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Chapter 3

Dodong clenched his teeth in anger as he recalled that fateful night-- the night when his parents and grandfather were murdered. That was 20 years ago. Now he was a topnotch commander of the New People's Army operating in Northern Luzon. He was a brilliant, educated commander with a political science degree under his belt.

"You will pay, Tomas Braullio. I swear to God, you will pay. Vengeance is mine!" Dodong clenched his fist as burning fury engulfed his whole being. Whatever it takes, he must seek vendetta for his family. He closed his eyes as he recalled what transpired that evening in the clearing 20 years ago.

That scene in the clearing on that fateful night flashed in his mind. He was crying in anguish, "Tatang!  Inang!" And he repeatedly did so until his body was overcome by exhaustion. Where else would he go? His parents, and grandfather were dead, and he was hunted like a prey. To survive in such a dire situation was a miracle of Biblical proportion. Finally, his weary body yielded to a deep sleep.

Very early the next morning, he was awakened by a gentle tapping on his shoulder. He heard a male voice saying, "Wake up boy, wake up. Why are you sleeping here?" When he opened his eyes, he saw a man staring at him. Then he saw 4 or 5 men carrying rifles on their shoulders. Then he remembered the armed men shooting him as he frantically ran to the woods. He thought that they finally caught him and would kill him. He jumped to his feet and tried to run, but the man held him fast by his arm.

"Please don't kill me!" he screamed in terror as he tried to wriggle himself free from the man's hand. 

"Hey, we are not going to hurt you. Calm down, boy," the man told him reassuringly. 

One of the men said, "He must have had a bad night, Commander."

The man referred to as Commander gently held Dodong's shoulders and asked, "What happened to you, son? Who's trying to kill you?"

In between sobs, Dodong told Commander what happened the night before, "Some armed men led by Mayor Braullio murdered my parents, and my grandfather. They tried to kill me too, but I managed to escape."

The commander looked at his men then glanced back at Dodong, "But why would Mayor Braullio want you dead?" He asked.

"I don't know, sir," was the boy's reply."I am scared to go home. They might kill me," he added.

The commander understood the boy's predicament. His parents and grandfather were dead. He had no family to run to and worst of all, he was hunted like a prey.

"Would you like to come with us? By the way, what's your name, boy?" he asked.

"I'm Dodong sir. My full name is Arnaldo Sungco. I came from Apartado. My parents were Diomedes and Agripina, and my grandfather was Lolo Vicong, " he replied.

"Well, Dodong, I'm Commander Danny, " the commander said with a smile.

Commander Danny! Dodong heard that name before. His Lolo Vicong used to say that Commander Danny was the leader of the New People's Army (NPA) operating in the Northern Luzon area. His group had infiltrated many towns in Pangasinan and La Union. Many times the military tried to catch him, but he was very elusive. Besides, only God and his men knew his identity. 

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