10.Lunch Date By Avi

Start from the beginning


Akshita and avi where having lunch in her cabin. She observed he was all silent today and it was not usual.

“What happened avi? ” akshita questioned.

“I am feeling sad khushi” avi said with cute frown on his face.

Akshita smiled at his cute frown.

“Oh What made my avi this much sad? ” akshita questioned.

“I am having lunch with you daily right” avi asked.

Akshita nodded.

“Papa must be feeling alone in his cabin while having lunch right” avi said.

“That's it tomorrow you have lunch with your papa” akshita suggested.

“No I want to have lunch with you and I don't want to miss your jalebis” avi said.

“Then what should we do? ” asked akshita.

“I got an idea” avi said while smiling.

“What is it? ” akshita asked.

“Tomorrow you bring lunch for papa also. We three will have lunch together” avi suggested. Which caused akshita to look at him with wide eyes.

“What no avi he will get angry” akshita tried to change his mind.

“Don't worry, I will bring him, and he will not get angry on us” avi spoke.

“Please khushi can't you do this much for your friend” avi said dramatically.

“Ok” akshita said Unsure.


I should have denied avi's request but why I am getting nervous he is also a human and avi said right he will not get angry so cool akshita and still Asr didn't shout at me... Though akshita.

In the meantime:

Arnav observed that avi was taking him to akshita's cabin, and he stopped in his tracks.

“Avi why you are taking me to khushi's cabin? ” arnav questioned.

“Papa in two weeks you never tried to become friends with mom, so I planned your lunch with us or you can say lunch date” avi replied.

By hearing him arnav was shocked.

“What do you know about date?
Where you heard about date? ” arnav questioned with shocked expressions.

“I heard it from Aman mamu. He said he will take lavanya mami on date” avi replied innocently.

“He said to you about this? ” arnav asked in disbelief.

“No he was asking lavanya mami and I heard them” replied avi.

Arnav signed in disbelief his son was planning his date with his wife.

“Papa now come lunchtime will be over” saying avi dragged him.

They reached akshita cabin. When they entered they saw she pacing while talking to herself.

Arnav signed thinking she will never change.

“Khushi” avi called her causing her to stop her monologue.

They settled on couch with a silence.

“I don't know akshita avi didn't say anything and dragged me here” arnav spoke to break the silence.

“It's ok sir” akshita said and served them food.

“You prepared it” arnav asked.

Akshita nodded.

Arnav was having his lunch as if he is starving from ages and was relished every spoonful of food. As he was eating her hand made food after a long four years.

Whereas akshita was feeling like it was not new for her to have lunch with arnav.

In these two weeks she was confident that she know arnav beforehand but her only question is if it was true then arnav should recognize her thinking of it she was shrugging her thoughts.

Lunch was silent until avi asked for jalebi after completing his lunch. Akshita forwarded him jalebi and also forwarded another box of jalebi to arnav.

“No kh... I mean akshita I am diabetic” arnav refused jalebis.

“These are made of sweetener sir” akshita spoke.

“How do you know I am diabetic? ” arnav asked raising his eyebrows.

Akshita was now thinking why she prepared those jalebis when she really didn't know if he was diabetic.

“I think avi said to you” arnav spoke

Seeing her in thinking mode he thought she was stressing her mind.

“Yes” akshita spoke although she knew it was not true.

Whereas avi was busy with his jalebis caring less about his parents. As he completed his jalebis an idea struck in his mind.

“Papa I want to ask you something and promise me you will not refuse”avi asked.

“Ok” arnav said sensing that he was planning something.

My son was behaving like a cupid in my second love story with his mom..though arnav

“Khushi you to promise me ” avi spoke to akshita.

“Ok” akshita said thinking he will ask more jalebis.

He is a bigger fan of jalebis than me.... Though akshita.

“Tomorrow is Sunday right (Arnav and Akshita nodded) I want to go to an amusement park with you two and,
don't try to refuse you two promised me”avi asked.

My guess was right but his idea is really nice. I hope khushi agree...... Though arnav.

Knowing he should make akshita agree first he went to her.

“Please khushi agree na I want to enjoy my vacation with my friend and you know I can't leave my papa so we have to take him please agree” avi requested with hopefully eyes.

Seeing him akshita had no heart to refuse him.

“Ok” akshita replied.

Hearing her arnav was more than happy and was mentally doing Bhangra.

“Ok we will go on this Sunday” avi said while clapping.

He was feeling happy spending his time with his mom and papa together.
Which he thought he would never get in his life.

To be continued....


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