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The Great Hunt began. Killing Neanthals was a bloody desire of proud Sarams. The son of the Union's leader, Tagon, raised his head, seeing how Daekans killed brutally a one of the blue blooded. He wasn't only watching cruelly scenes, but also he led a troop. Even the best Daekan warriors had a problem with killing a single Naeanthal, not mentioning bigger group of them. Tagon knew well how risky was that fight. Especially for him.

"You did a great job. You deserve a rest, all of you" Tagon said, looking at dead body of Neanthal.

The blue blood stained the grass. The young warrior leaned against the Naeanthal, drawing his sword. The blade touched Naeanthal's body. That was a pathetic view. Tagon sighed silently, wiping the blood away from the sword. He didn't like killing people, not matter who they were. But not to killed meant being killed.

"Take the body" he added, getting up. He sheathed the sword, wanting to be alone.

Tagon felt a strangle feel every time they killed the Neanthal, as if he killed a small part of himself. As if he killed his own mother. Sometimes he wondered if being with his mother wasn't better than this. He was an Igutu who shouldn't have been born. He had to live because of his father's sin, killing Naeanthals whose blood was in his veins mixed with the red Sarams' blood.

Tagon touched the blade, looking at the small purple line on his hand. His blood was a stigma of his father's sin. Disgusting, purple blood that flew in his veins. He hated it so much, but was unable to do anything.

"Tagon... " he heard suddenly a familiar voice.

Tagon turned around slowly, seeing the one of the warriors. Yangcha still was really young, but really talented. He could be easily the best warrior, it was only a matter of time. Tagon clenched his fist quickly, but it was for nothing.

"You are an Igutu..." Yangcha said, not being able to believe his eyes. "You have killed many Naeanthals and Igutus..."

Tagon sighed loudly, drawing his sword slowly. He came closer.

"Yes" he claimed sadly. "But I have killed much more friends than Naeanthals and Igutus together. Forgive me, Yangcha" he added, running his sword through the young warrior's chest.

Yangcha chocked on the blood, falling on his knees. His eyes became too heavy. He barely moved his lips, trying to ask Tagon why did he do it, but it was too late. His heart stopped.

Tagon closed his eyes, sheathing the sword by his trembling hand. Weight of killed friends was much heavier than then the killed enemies. But it wasn't Tagon's choice to be a monster. His father chose it instead of him, not letting him die when he was still a kid. And that was the biggest mistake.

Tagon left Yangcha's body, not wanting anybody to find him, even though it was really hard. Leaving the body of the great warrior, who could have been a pride of Daekans, after he cruelly killed him, stopping his heart forever, became the next burden he had to carry on his shoulders.

"Forgive me, Yangcha. You were a young and great warrior, but gods will not find your soul. Aramun will not help you, because of me" he whispered. "My prayer is like blasphemy you don't deserve. I'm sorry" he said with sorrow, turning around.

A single rain drop touched softly his skin. Tagon touched it, realising that it wasn't a rain, but his tear...


Daekans were celebrating because of the successful hunt, but Tagon wasn't able to join them. The burden was too heavy for him.

"Have you seen Yangcha?" asked Gilseon. All Daekans shook their heads, not knowing it.

"Damn brat, he gets drunk to easily" smirked Mugwang. They laughed, drinking and having fun, not even knowing that Yangcha was dead.

"We wouldn't have won without you, Tagon! Let's drink together!"

They all raised glasses full of alcohol, looking at Tagon. But the young warrior wasn't proud or satisfied. The alcohol didn't taste good this time. It was more bitter than usual.

"You look tired, Tagon" said Mubaek, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That was a long day" he said, standing up slowly. He smiled, even though his heart was bleeding inside. He raised his glass. "I wouldn't have won without you. Thank you, brothers for being here with me."

They all shouted his name cheerfully, hearing his words. Tagon smiled, hating himself even more. He was calling them brothers after he killed one of them. He took a sip, wanting to get drunk.


The Neanthal they were chasing was really fast and strong. He has already killed few warriors. Tagon and the rest of Daekans surrounded the forest, trying to find him so badly. Neanthals started to be more dangerous as if the less they were, the stronger they got. It was raining as well, so hunt became even harder.

"Catch him!"

Tagon saw the Neanthal, drawing his sword. He was near, but still too far away to reach. He raised his hand, seeing  the sudden move. The chain wrapped tightly around the Neanthal's body. Everyone stopped, seeing that. Tagon frowned, coming closer. Someone came out of the shadow. A masked warrior with chain. He cut the Neanthal's throat, killing him without hesitation.

"Is he a devil?"

"No. It's Yangcha!" said Gilseon. Daekans cheered loud, seeing him, but Tagon froze instead. He has killed Yangcha himself, so it was impossible that he survived.

"That brat had to lose in the forest after he got drunk" laughed Mugwang. "What is on your face?" he asked suddenly. But Yangcha didn't answer. He only looked at Tagon, picking his chain from the ground and Neanthal's body.

"Take the body" said Tagon, trying to control his trembling voice. Daekans nodded, taking a Neanthal with them.

Yangcha didn't move, waiting for them to go away. Tagon waited as well, being ready to draw his sword at any moment. Yangcha survived and that meant he knew about Tagon's secret.

"You survived..." he said, but the masked warrior shook his head. Tagon frowned. "If you didn't, then..."

Yangcha came closer, kneeling down. He bowed before him, taking off the mask from his face.

"I didn't survive. I've just returned."

Tagon heard well Yangcha's voice even though he didn't move his lips.

"Then, you are really a devil" Tagon said silently.

Yangcha smiled, bowing.

"If you are not alive, but also not dead..." he stopped, looking into his dark eyes. "Then, you returned as a vengeful spirit. You came back to kill me?" he asked. Yangcha stood up, coming closer.

"No, I came back to protect you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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