Hiding the sac in the corner, Jimin wiped his brow with his sleeve, changed back into his reindeer pyjamas and got under the covers, humming at the sudden warmth coming from Yoongi.

"Why you so warm for?" he asked, not expecting a response at all. He then cuddled Yoongi and hoped to catch up on just a few minutes of sleep.

Just a few minutes was exactly what Jimin had as half an hour later, the curtain for the room was drawn back and four excited voices shrieked out and launched onto Jimin. He woke up instantly and quickly sat up, smiling widely at the sight of most of his pups running around, excited.

Of course, Mia was missing. She took right after her father and tended to stay inside sleeping on exciting days. The other pups, however, were more like himself. They bounced around, tugging on the duvet.

"Come ooooonnnn, daddddddyyyyyyy. I wanna open my presents from Santa Claws!" Han whined, literally pulling Jimin out of the bed. He also took after his father, body-wise and was quite strong. Definitely an alpha's child. Jimin slid off the bed and fell on the floor, laughing a little as he got himself up.

"Okay, okay, go and wake up Mia and then head over to the Christmas tree," Jimin smiled and watched as his pups hurried away, grinning from ear to ear.

It took a few minutes for Yoongi to wake up and when he did, his messy-bed head brushed against Jimin's shoulder as he leaned over.

"Good morning," he grumbled, coughing afterwards. Yoongi wasn't exactly the healthiest person at that moment in time, he had come down with a cold right on Christmas Eve, unfortunately.

"Morning, babe. Merry Christmas," Jimin murmured, making sure he was quiet as to not hurt Yoongi's ears. He gave the older a kiss on the top of the head and then got up and stretched. "Come on, the pups are waiting for us."

"You sure? You sure they're waiting for us and not for Mia," Yoongi wiped his eyes with his sleeve and then got up off the bed, Jimin watched him do so and then shrugged.

"Probably not. Mia may be like you but she sure does love Christmas. Once the other pups wake her up, she'll be all good."

Yoongi nodded and beckoned Jimin to follow him as he made his way out of their room and into the main room.

A large Christmas tree stood in the corner and a smaller one sat in the middle, as if it had been hurriedly put together in the middle of the night (which it had). Medium sized piles of wrapped up presents sat around it. In total there were seven present piles (two being on the couch next to the tree) and about ten presents in each pile. The pups were fighting over which pile belonged to who when the couple entered.

"Alright, alright, everyone calm down," Jimin sat down in front of the presents. "Everyone has different coloured wrapping paper and there's a tag in front of each pile to say whose is whose. I wish you lot had read it before you started fighting," Jimin shook his head and then waved his hand in front of him. "Off you pop then! Unwrap your presents!"


Around about twenty minutes after Jimin let the pups open their presents, toys and books were scattered all over the floor, while multi-coloured wrapping paper shreds were strewn all over. While three of the pups had remained in their human forms, two had turned into wolves and were jumping all over the wrapping paper, throwing it up in the air and catching it with a snap of their tiny jaws.

Five out of seven present piles were opened, only Jimin's and Yoongi's remained. Yoongi had ran off to get Jimin's last present and Jimin was making everybody a hot chocolate (excluding Yoongi, who was instead getting a coffee). After stirring the chocolatey liquid in the last cup, he picked up the mugs by the handles and carried them over to the coffee table, which had been moved to the side in order to make room for the christmas tree.

Yoongi had finally returned carrying a cardboard box with holes dotted all over it. He sat with it on his lap and then nodded towards the other presents. "Open them first."

Jimin only had about five presents, but he didn't really mind. He was really excited about the present in Yoongi's arms. While he opened the wrapped up presents, he could see out of the corner of his eye, Yoongi opening the box, smiling down at whatever was in there before closing it again.

Smiling at his mini present pile, Jimin turned to face Yoongi. "I'm guessing that's for me. Can I have it now?"

Yoongi nodded and handed it over. "Be careful, it's fragile. Make sure the wolves don't get it."

Jimin nodded and took the box off Yoongi. Something was moving inside it and his heart began to thud wildly. "What is it?" he murmured to himself, his smile growing as he lifted the flaps of the box and peeked inside.

His breath was held as he saw what it was.

A tiny, calico cat stared up at him. Her eyes shone in the light and with a little head tilt, Jimin exhaled his breath in a "Aww."

A tiny meow and the kitten was off, climbing out of the box. She lifted herself out of it and flopped onto the floor, straight onto her face.

"Aw, she hasn't learnt how to be a cat yet," Jimin murmured and picked up the kitty.

"I'm gonna call her....Serena!"


Serena had grown up to be a very adventurous cat. She travelled far and wide through the forest, with her beautiful calico cat fur on display. She didn't seem fazed at all about the amount of wolves that surrounded her on a daily basis. In fact, she almost believed that she was a wolf. Her meow was more low-pitched than high and her yowl was more of a howl.

All the wolves took a shine to her, relaxing Jimin as he had at first believed that the wolves would eat her. Apparently, Yoongi had introduced the kitten to each wolf while Jimin was away visiting his parents and dropping off presents to his human friends and relatives. Very sneaky.

Speaking of sneaky. Serena was stalking Mia's tail as the wolf pup stalked Jimin. It was a train of stalking. The kitten pounced on Mia's fluffy tail, which caused poor Mia to howl in pain and whip around so quickly that she cried as she felt her neck muscle get pulled.

Not even give seconds later, Serena was running away with Mia hot on her tail.

"Glad to see they're getting along," Jimin giggled, watching with half closed eyes as the two ran around in the living room. It was a shame that Serena couldn't speak, Jimin would have loved to ask her how she actually felt about the wolves. All he could tell was that Serena thought of them as her family. Of course, he couldn't be sure. But he hoped the kitten did.

Yoongi nodded and threw up a tennis ball, catching it with his right hand. He looked over at Jimin from where he lay on the carpet. The tennis ball had been a joke present from Jimin. A present to joke around with the fact that Yoongi was similar to a dog...well all wolves were but Jimin didn't have the guts to give a tennis ball to every wolf in the pack.  "Mhm. I don't regret bringing Serena home with me for one second. I had to go into the city to get her-"

"Yeah, I know the story, save your breath," Jimin held out his palm and giggled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and sat up, switching the tennis ball to his left hand and intertwining his right hand's fingers with Jimin's. "Yeah, I think I might save my breath for this."

He leaned forward and kissed Jimin right on the lips, eyes fluttering closed.

Five seconds later and a loud 'eww' sounded from Mia, who had paused in her chasing and had turned back into her human form, Serena curled up on her lap.

"Can you two get a room?" She pulled a disgusted face, picked up Serena and left.

The two older wolves apologised at the same time and watched her leave before turning around and continuing their session.

All was well in the Min household.

All was quiet

All was calm

Merry Christmas, you filthy animals
(That was a joke )

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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