Chapter 2// A fail?

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"Can I talk?" YN asked, eyes red with tear-stained cheeks,

"Of course, honey, come in," Ginny said, leading YN onto the sofa, "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay, Malfoy is being horrible, he expects me to do everything so he can pass," YN dropped her back on the floor, "I'm sorry, it's just, I hate him!"

"YN, it's okay,"

"No, no it's not okay! I'm most compatible with Malfoy! I'm going to be alone forever,"

"YN, you are not alone! You have Harry, me, Hermione, Ron, you have loads of people in your life," Ginny said, holding YN's hands in hers,

"Gin, I want to have kids when I'm older, I hate this stupid new lesson! I hate it,"


"You are with the love of your life, Ginny, I'm with the prick who bullied me for years and years on end!" YN started crying again, Harry walked in,

"YN, what's up?"

"I hate Malfoy! I'm done, I'm not doing this stupid lesson. I will stay in Hogwarts forever because I will never work with Malfoy in my life! Ever!" she started crying again, "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Of course, YN,"

"You can have my room, Harry and I will share," Ginny said,

"Thank you, I'm such a mess, oh my God. I'm going to the library, I'll see you in transfiguration next,"

"We're here if you need anything, YN," Ginny said,

"Thanks," YN said, going to the library with her bag.

YN sat through the rest of her lessons that day concentrating and taking notes and working hard. Not that it mattered, she would have to stay at Hogwarts forever because she would never work with Malfoy.

She went back to her apartment and ran into Draco,

"I'm sorry," he said,

"Excuse me?" YN asked, shocked, Draco shut the door,

"I wanted to apologise for earlier, and everything,"

"What? I'm confused," YN said,

"We can look after our fake baby together," Draco said,

"Thank you, Ma- Draco, it means a lot," YN said, putting her hand out, "Let's start again. Hello, my name's YN Potter," Draco laughed and ran a hand through his hair,

"I'm Draco Malfoy, a pleasure to meet you," he shook her hand,

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" YN laughed,

"I guess not,"

"I'm still not going to take the potion though," YN said,

"Why?" Draco asked,

"I'm not stupid, I know the second I take that potion, you will go back to being old Draco,"

"He's long gone, Potter. I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you, I swear I didn't want to,"

"Then why?"

"My friends,"

"Great reason," YN rolled her eyes

"Would have told my father. He already hated me, I couldn't have it be worse at home than it already was,"

"You made my life hell!"

"I stopped,"

"But your friends didn't,"

"They aren't my friends," Draco said,

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