Chapter 2: Telling Mike

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Telling Mike
April 20th, 2012
4:33 pm

Mike: "Hey, are you okay? I was texting you but you never responded." Mike said worriedly

Tina looked up at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes.

Mike: "Tee?" He worried

Tina: "I'm pregnant." She said in a sob with her face in her hands

Mike: "What?"

Tina: "I'm pregnant." She said normally but still crying.

Mike: "Y-you're pregnant"

Tina nodded slowly.

Mike: "H-how?"

Tina: "I don't know? Maybe possibly after we won regionals." She said in a quiet voice and was about to cry until Mike pulled her into his embrace and said...

Mike: "Hey It's going to be alright, ok It's going to be alright." He said while rubbing her back and kissed the side of her head.

Tina: "No it's not. I've ruined your life." She sobbed

Mike: "Hey, you did not ruin my life okay. And if you think that I will just abandon you then that is where you are wrong. I love you, Tina." Mike said surly and kissed her passionately then slowly slipped his tongue in her mouth and then they started to make out. Tina sniffed when they stopped and said...

Tina: "Are you sure Mike? I mean you're going to college next fall. I don't want you to feel held back just because we're having a baby." Tina said to him.

Mike: "Tina I am in love with you, head over heels in love with you. You were always going to be a part of my life. I never plan to live without you Tina. This baby won't be a burden. I somehow already love this baby just as much as I love you or my parents. We are going to keep this baby and watch it grow up. I love you Tina and I want this baby." Mike said with a loving smile.

Tina: "You really want to have this baby with me?"

Mike: "Yes Tina yes, I really do."

Tina: "Ok." Tina whispered. Then Mike scooped her up and swung her around and they laughed happily and she kissed him deeply.

Mike and Tina hugged one last time before Tina made a phone call to a doctor's office to make an appointment for tomorrow and actually started on their homework for school. Mike decided to spend the night with Tina so they can go to the doctor together.

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