Chapter 2

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"No. No way Chloe," Adalyn fumed.

"Addie, you need to trust me. I will get you and Sam back home to your little girl," Chloe tries to reason.

"That's not what I am worried about," Adalyn began, "I am worried that Nadine is going to be out of line," she added.

"Just don't tell her you are married to Sam," Chloe suggests.

Adalyn sighs and shakes her head. "You don't understand, Chloe. She knew me when she knew the boys. I was there with them," she informed her.

Chloe sighed loudly and was silent for a second. "I won't let her do anything to you," She reassures, "As long as you keep your marriage a secret everything will be fine," she added, "If she asks just tell her you had a falling out and it didn't work out," She suggested.

"Does she even know Sam is wrapped up in this?" Adalyn inquired.

"No. She has no idea," Chloe replied.

"What happens when she finds out?" Adalyn questioned. If Nadine finds out she will not be happy. She knows that there is no way they can keep this secret from her forever. She is way too smart.

"We will deal with it when the moment comes," Chloe states. "Please, Addie. I need you on this one," She begs.

Adalyn sits there for a moment and sighs. She and Chloe make a really good team. She remembers when she helped with the Shamballa job. That was the first time she ever met Chloe. And she never really found a better partner. Besides Sam of course.

"Ok, I'll do it," Adalyn gives in.

"Great!" Chloe exclaims, "We found out where our bad guy is. Sam told us he has a very important piece to finding this thing," she informs.

"Where is it?" Adalyn asks.

"In an active war zone in India," She says, "We need to meet Ross there in a couple of days," she states.

"Alright," Adalyn responded, "I will take Mia to Nate and Elena, and get on a plane as soon as possible,"

Chloe and Adalyn say their goodbyes and Adalyn hung up her phone putting it in her pocket. She sighs softly and runs her fingers through her hair. She walks out to the living room and sits down on the sofa.

"Hey, sweetie. Come here for a second?" Adalyn asked. Little Mia stands up walking over to her mother jumping onto her lap. Addie wraps her arms around her little girl and hugs her tight. She then pulls away looking Mia in the eyes.

"Do you miss daddy?" she asks the four-year-old.

Mia replies with a small nod.

"Me too," Adalyn replies, kissing Mia's head softly "Mommy needs to go with him for a little while, so you will be staying with Aunt Elena and Uncle Nate. But I promise we will be back before you know it," She promises.

"Ok, mommy," Mia replies with a slight smile.

Adalyn smiles and pulls her daughter into a tight hug. She is so thankful to have a daughter like Mia.

"Go upstairs and head to bed. We will go over tomorrow morning," Adalyn tells Amelia.


Early the next morning Adalyn and Amelia walk up to Nate and Elena's front door. Amelia runs up and knocks full of excitement. She and little Cassie have gotten along very well. They're adorable little cousins.

Soon enough the door opens and the other Drake couple walks out to greet their family. Amelia and Cassie immediately run off to go play.

"I'm so sorry for the last-minute favor," Adalyn apologizes.

"Don't be sorry, Addie," Elena replies. "We are more than happy to help,"

"So, tell me, what kind of trouble has my idiot brother gotten himself into this time?" Nate questions.

"He isn't in trouble," Adalyn begins, "yet..." She states. "Chloe just needed extra help," Adalyn informs.

The two Drakes nodded.

"Don't worry," Nate speaks, "We will take good care of Mia while you're gone. Just please be careful," He begs.

Adalyn smiles and hugs the two of them, "Thank you," she then pulls away and walks into the other room to say goodbye to Mia. She walks over to her little one and holds her arms out. "Come give me a big hug munchkin," Adalyn smiles.

Little Amelia runs over into her mother's arms, wrapping her little arms around her neck squeezing her mother tight.

Adalyn rocks back and forth as she embraces little Mia. Tears begin to form in her eyes as she holds her little girl. This will be the longest she has ever been away from her.

"You be good for your aunt and uncle, ok?" Adalyn whispers to her girl.

"I promise I will," Amelia promises.

Adalyn smiles and pulls away putting their foreheads together. "I love you so much, sweetheart," she coos.

"I love you too, mom," Mia replies.

Adalyn stands up placing her child on the floor before walking back to the front door, Nate and Elena following.

Elena and Nate give their old friend one last hug.

"Be safe," Elena whispers.

Adalyn nods reassuringly and walks out to her car and starting it up. As she drives away, tears begin to fill her eyes as it hits her that she is leaving her little one behind for who knows how long. All she can think about now is finishing this job as quick as possible so she can get home to Mia.

India here she comes

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