You let out a loud sigh, moving your arm away from your eyes to face the people in the room with you. It's him again. Brian, (Best Friend), and a blonde haired woman dressed like a doctor.. Oh. That's your doctor. Got it. "So, tell me.. Just how many people got that fiasco on tape?" You sighed out.

(Best Friend) gave a nervous chuckle. "Oh, not.. Not that many people saw it happen.." You gave her a look. "Okay fine. A lot of people saw and a lot of people recorded it. Happy?" She admitted with a huff.

Goddamn it. That's not exactly the truth you wanted to hear. Not at all. You weren't exactly big on public humiliation but who is? You just knew that video has already made it onto the internet and is now circling around. Getting sent to friends and then those friends sending it to their friends and then those friends sending it to theirs. It was an endless cycle until the last person has finally seen it. It's how things go viral unless you get it in your YouTube recommendations or if you directly search that one video.

"Alright, ma'am, you should be good to go in maybe 2 hours. Just don't break anything, you hear?" There's that achingly familiar voice. You look up to take a look at its owner. Long messy pale blonde hair that the doctor had to move out of her blue eyes every now and then. She was kind of tall. Around 5'6 or 5'9 with a slim body. The golden name tag on her coat read 'Dr. Stephanie Summers'.

"I know where you're from now!" You said out loud. She was the doctor from your last visit to the hospital. You didn't actually mean to say that out loud. You really didn't. When all the attention was turned to you, you couldn't help but feel really awkward. The tips of your ears turned a light shade of red from embarrassment.

"You know Steph?" Brian questioned, furrowing his brows. Did he know her? He called her Steph. At this point you really wouldn't be surprised if he knew everyone in this town. He seemed to know just about everyone. You weren't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

You rose a brow, raising up in your bed to look at him better. "No, not really. Do you know her?" You asked, genuinely curious.

He gave a slight nod of the head. "She's an old friend of mine. We've known each other for a good while." He explained to you with a light grin. Oh, so he did. Good to know. That could come in handy. You didn't know how yet, but it probably would come in handy at some point in time.

"Okay, got it." You nodded slowly, looking around. "Can't I just go home now? I feel fine and I just fainted. It's not like I had a stroke." You sighed. You were sick of the plain white room and the smell of the place. You just wanted to go home.

Stephanie thought for a minute or so before sighing. "Okay, fine. But if anything goes wrong, I want you to come back here. Promise me that."
You nodded. "Okay, I promise."

(Best Friend) gave you a change of clothes. You thanked her before going to the small bathroom in your hospital room. As you were moving to it, you got a whiff of what smelled like lavender perfume. You took a quick glance to see the doctor exiting the room with a clipboard. She seems busy.

Once inside the bathroom, you got changed out of your hospital gown and slipped into the more comfortable clothes (Best Friend) brought you. Once changed, you combed your fingers through your hair in an attempt to smooth it out. You then exited the bathroom and looked at Brian and (Best Friend).

"Ready to go?" Your best friend asked with a grin. She knew damn well you were ready. She knew how much you hated hospitals.

You rolled your eyes playfully and nodded. "Yeah, I am ready. You don't even have to ask. You know I'm tired of this place. So, are you driving?"

She shook her head. "Nah, Brian is driving us. I hope that's okay." Another failed attempt to escape Brian. You just nodded.

The three of you left the hospital room and went to the front desk so that you could sign a paper confirming your discharge from the hospital. You were about to hand the paper back to the receptionist when you saw just who it was. That man from three years ago. His strange unfeeling eyes, his pale skin. He gave you the same look he gave you back then. It made your skin crawl. Once you handed in the paper, the three of you made your way out the exit.

You replayed the words he said to you three years ago. How unnerving it really was.

Leave this town.

Word Count: 1843 Words

I do not own the art at the top of the chapter! It is a character creation I made on a site called Picrew! It is what Stephanie looks like! If you wanna create your own characters, feel free to check out the site.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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