Midnight Stroll (Nicola x Britt)

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Requested by PeanutTheDemon!


Nicola sighs, running a hand through her hair in frustration.

It had been two weeks since Jack had retired as vampiric overlord and appointed Nicola as his next in line. She never knew how much paperwork there was about being an overlord. The barons in the east were at war and both sides were demanding supplies and reinforcements and there was a fire in the south, burning up many vampires' homes and Nicola was required by law to send people to help do damage control and there was an uprising of hunters to the north, killing innocent village after village and ugh!!!! It's just so stressful!!! She has no idea how Jack managed to do it all and still have time to mess with Scott's group.

There's a knock at Nicola's office door and she pushes away her paperwork.

"Come in!" She exclaims, setting her head in her hands to rub her aching skull.

The door creaks open and in steps Britt, Nicola's second-in-command and her girlfriend. If Nicola weren't feeling as if she were about to die again, she would've laughed at the irony of the inherent romanticism between the leader of an evil empire and their right hand person, considering the two vampiresses seemed to follow in Callum and Jack's footsteps a bit. She could only hope that their relationship wasn't filled with quite as much drama and turmoil as their predecessors' was.

"Hey, I hadn't heard from you in a while and I was getting worried. You okay?" Britt asks, her eternally soft voice soothing to Nicola's nerves as she sits in the chair on the opposite side of Nicola's desk.

Slowly, she nods.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... Frustrated. There's so much work to do that I'm beginning to think that Jack didn't do anything and he just waited to push it all onto someone else." Nicola jokes, a small grin curling at her lips when Britt giggles.

"I honestly wouldn't put it past him." Britt whispers with another giggle, hiding her grin behind her hand.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Nicola sighs.

"I should probably get back to my paperwork. It's not gonna finish itself." She says glumly.

Nicola reaches for a new pen when Britt's pale hand comes to rest on top of Nicola's. She back looks up with a quizzical expression.

"You should really take a break, babe. When I said 'a while', I meant a while. After Jack retired, you've basically shut yourself in your office and haven't come out. When was the last time you ate?" Britt asks, her green eyes swimming with concern and her voice even softer and smaller than normal.

Nicola pauses, trying to remember. Surely, it couldn't have been that long.

She couldn't find an answer.

As she opens her mouth to sheepishly say so, her stomach beats her to it, grumbling loudly as if on cue.

Britt sighs and shakes her head. She stands and rounds the desk, holding a hand out to Nicola with a soft look.

"Come on, we're going to get some blood and then go on a walk. You need a break." Britt says sternly as Nicola starts to protest.

The redhead huffs, but takes her girlfriend's hand, allowing herself to be pulled out of her spinny chair and lead out of her office in the new F.A.N.G. headquarters.

Brilliant, soft moonlight streams through the floor to ceiling windows and mobs of all kinds wander about outside. Ice could be heard downstairs, laughing with Ash and Nova. Lanterns are lit and hung from the ceiling, giving the building a warm feeling, despite the winter outside.

Nicola walks over to the blood bar, carefully selecting a bottle near the top of the shelves and uncorks it. The smell immediately floods her senses and suddenly, she's chugging the bottle, having been completely unaware of just how hungry she really was. After a few moments, she slams the bottle down on the counter and breathes heavily, blushing sheepishly at the shocked look Britt gives her.

"Guess I was hungrier than I thought..." She murmurs jokingly.

Britt shakes her head, but smiles.

"I love my girlfriend, I love my girlfriend, I love my girlfriend." She says lowly with a laugh, causing Nicola to laugh as well.

As they talk, they intertwine hands and head downstairs, giving a wave to the three young adults lounging around the table of human foods.

The two step outside and immediately are enveloped in an air of chill, but they press forward.


An hour later, Nicola finds herself laying with her head in Britt's lap in the middle of a flower field, staring up at the moon and the beautiful woman admitantly telling a story about what happened to her that day as a gentle hand cards through her scarlet locks. She has to fight off the urge to fall asleep from the pure tranquility.

Slowly, her eyes flutter shut, her past three days of pure, uninterrupted catching up to her. Soon enough, she's snoring softly, curling up towards Britt subconsciously against the cold.

With a small chuckle, Britt tucks her arms under the small of Nicola's back and under the backs of her knees, tugging her up as she stumbles to a stand, carrying her smaller girlfriend bridal style.

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