What you see?

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- What you see? - asked Tassadarfrom the child.
Karen looked and tried find the correct answerwhich will make happy her father. But she did not know what to seeand where. Apparently there was nothing special about there.
SimpleKhalai residents, engineers, craftsmen went to things on the street.Somewhere a few Templars, but nothing that would be different fromnormal. So he glanced up at Tassadar, he was still waiting for theanswer. He shook his head unshaken, which the protoss just "smiled".

The first ray of the morningwoke up in the morning. She dreamed again of Tassadar .
"Whatyou see?" This question has been so many times over the years.And she never knew what is the answer because her fatjer had neversaid it. He always waited for her choice, but apparently she nevergave the good one. And now she may never know what she should haveseen... But why did you remember that?

There was something in the airall day, which did not let it rest. Something inexplicable tensionthat makes all of her nerves tense to acne ...
They was on aanonymous moon near to Ehlna. They were rescuing people from a planattacked by Tal'darim when they had to make forced landings. Karaxhas been working on engines since then.

Amon found them. His followerslaunched an attack.

- Executor! We can not keepit any longer! - one of the survivors zealot yealled at her.
-Back to the ship! Get Khalais safe!
- Understood. And you?
-Taro ruul asz Brother.
- Var'un ruul asz. - the warrior noddedrespectfully.
No more words were needed.
" Ehat you see?"Tassadar's voice echoed in her head, but she still did notunderstand. But she did not have time to deal with it because thenext wave of zergs arrived.
- Korshala Adun! - that was her battlecry.

"What you see?"

she cut half a zergling thattried to jump on it, then immediately blocked a hydralisk blade.

"What you see?"

An acidic spit of a mutaliskslammed beside her on a rock and began to break it down. But she didnot have time to deal with this, because one of the zergclaw ran deepinto her shoulders. she was getting rid of the grip of the claws, andanother head fell into the dust.

"What you see?"

They were completely rounded.She take a quick look to the ship. Karay said he need fice minutes.There is four maybe. Just one minute. She only has to endure for aminute.
- My life for Aiur! - she knew this is the last time whenshe raise her blade.

"What you see?"

An energy wave pushed the zergs,and killed the most of them.
- I'll take it from here Templar. -said Alarak, while his warriors slowly emerged from the warp field.

"What you see?"

The Highlord took her back toher ship. Two zealos immediately walked to accompany her to her room.Only those two fighters remained. And of course the nearly hundredcivilians who were rescued. They all looked at her.

"What you see?"

"I see my people. I amTemplar. I live to protect them."

She finally understood.

Taroruul asz (seeminglya way to say goodbye or "May honor guide us")

Var'unruul asz (seeminglya counterpart statement to Taro ruul asz)

KorshalaAdun. ("Untilwe both meet Adun", used as a farewell by warriorsgoing into battle that do not expect to survive.)

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