Det är som det är

Start from the beginning

"Fascinating," Marith told her. "But my story... I grew up in Västerås, and since five years, I work for Vogue in the UK. I got an offer, and I was excited to expand my knowledge outside of Sweden." Marith placed a piece of brown hair behind her ear.

Elvira nodded and took a sip from her cup. "How is Sweden?"

"This is a hard question," Marith giggled. "I think it's normal and just my home, but none Swedish people will say it's beautiful or something, just you will probably say about Paris or Perth because you don't know any better."


"You need to visit the county soon and see for yourself how it is. I like it. There is a lot of nature, and the people are nice. But as I said. You have to see it for yourself." Marith had a quick look at the cafe. "But what brings you to Paris? It's not like Paris is an hour drive from Perth. And there is a Vogue in Australia too, I believe."

"There is," Elvira softly spoke and placed the cup back on the table. "I'm in the period now where I realise I want to go back to Perth. But I have always adored France and the language. After my study, I worked at the local newspaper, and via via I got an offer of the function I now have, in Paris. I have to say, it was a difficult decision I don't regret. Yes, my family and friends are far away, but it felt good. I only live once, and I knew I wouldn't get this offer again. I love it here, and my job is amazing..."


"But I start to realise my time has passed in Paris. I don't want to die in Paris. It was amazing for those eight years, but I want to go back home. Now I start to realise how much I need, my mum, dad and brothers." Elvira stared at the table and spotted a brown stain on the white tablecloth. "But I will see how it goes. I have a stable life, I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, I have amazing friends, I make enough money."

"I see your point. It isn't like you can hop on the tube and have a cup of tea with your mum and leave after an hour."

"Nope. It takes me eighteen hours to get to Perth itself."

Marith smirked. "Indeed. Two hours for me, so I can't complain. But I know how you feel. I have my life in London, too, but I would love to get back home as well." The green eyes of Marith found Elvira's again. "But I have my husband in London, I can't leave him behind. Do you have a boyfriend or husband or girlfriend?" Elvira raised her eyebrow. "It's 2018, anything is possible."

Elvira snorted. "No, I don't have a boyfriend nor husband nor girlfriend. I am still waiting for my prince to get me and love me. I am desperate in love."

"Have you been in a long relationship before?" Marith blurted. "I'm sorry, that was rude, that is personal."

"No, it's fine. I have been in a few relationships before, but I haven't found the one... Not yet. I don't know if I ever will."

"You are such a lovely girl," Marith spoke, confused. "I'm sure you will find the one soon. You look handsome, I don't know you at all, but I can tell you have an amazing personality. Guys will murder someone to be your boyfriend, believe me."

Elvira laughed. "Thanks."

Marith laughed as well. "Have a bit of faith."

"I have to find it first then."

"Don't be negative."

"I am negative, that's my motto for life."

The women looked at each other and kept silence for a second before bursting in laughter.

Daniel was scrolling through his Instagram feed when his eyes got stuck on a post of Elvira. It was a picture of her, standing in front of her favourite cafe in Paris while smiling in the camera. Daniel tightened his jaw. His eyes scanned the caption under the post: 'Det är som det är'. He frowned and translated the sentence: 'It is as it is'. Swedish? And what did that suppose to mean?

Amore Mio ➤ Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now