Chapter 6

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I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever, there's been some stuff going on. But I'm back now and I'm in the middle of writers block so I'm just hoping this chapter will be okay.

Thank you so much for your votes and comments!


Fuckity fuck.

This day could not be any worse.

First, I stab a piece of wood into a cannibal like a white boy through a virgin. Then I had to watch a girl die right before my eyes. And just to top things off, I'm facing a whole fucking classroom filled with those crazed things.

It's safe to say this day is worse than the day I projectile vomited all over my class on an excursion.

"Fern, we have to run now." I hiss to Fern, and hastily pushes her down the stairs.

"Watch where your hands go, woman!" She huffs, but nonetheless quickly staggers down the steps.

I follow after her, but not with one quick last look at the poor girl. She's definitely gone now; her head is slumped at an unnatural angle. I try to swallow what feels like a lump of chalk in my throat.

But just as I start to turn my head, her eyes snap open.

No, no, no, SHITDICKS, fucknuggets, this can't be happening.

I launch myself off the stairs, skipping the last few steps and grab Fern by the wrist.

"Run like Theo James is at the finish line."

We sprint down the hallways, seeing flashes of red splattered on classroom windows. My foot slips on something shiny and scarlet, but I just pray it isn't blood. Bloodcurdling screams fill the eerily empty corridors as we run. A ripping sound almost stops me, and with a sudden realisation I realise it's the ripping of flesh. My ribs feel like they are going to rip apart, I stop and lay panting against a wall. Peering out of the window, there is nothing. The sun is shrouded by grey clouds, meaning our world is just now a mess of screams and that awful red.

Both of us start running again, ignoring the fact that a loud clattering from a locked door is about to crash it open.

Finally, we reach the end and spot our maths group lying underneath some benches, their faces twisted in horror and fear.

I nearly cry tears of relief. To be honest, I never thought I would be this glad to see Dean's pasty face again.

They spot us through the glass door. I shove it open, wincing at the loud creaking. Fern and I exchange looks, nod and sprint like hell to them. We slide underneath the benches, grateful for the wall behind that gives us some cover.

That's when Fern breaks down, she holds her head between her knees and rocks back and forth. The rest of us murmur meaningless stuff to her, like how it will all be okay.

When we know it will never be okay.

"Have you seen them too?" I ask Hunter quietly.

"One got into our classroom", he says and squeezes his beautiful eyes shut.

" you think...?"

Then he says the word I have been avoiding for the last horrifying hour.

"I think they are zombies."



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