Dedications & Invitation

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These are brief dedications!


These 6 have been really nice to me on here! All of you lovely followers and readers have as well!

These 6 have reached out to me telling me my works were good or just gladly sat and chatted with me for a good length of time whenever they have a chance!
They've either cheered me up when I was down, motivated me through words of encouragement or something that really touched me! So these people are getting a shout out now and then again when. Their OCS join in  The book!
The 6 are amazing people! Keep going!!

Just 2 weeks 2 go!!! Who's excited woo

PS, if you have a specific character you want to date leave it in the comments. Or if you have an oc, I'll add as many as I can. Let me know gender, name of oc, quirk, hair colour and eye colour!

See ya later lovelies!

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