Clown x Fishy

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It was another smelly day at Ahwahnee Middle school, Fishy's lice were running freely through her hair and Clowns hair was luscious as usual. Fishy's bus was late which made her late to first period math, Clown was always late as usual since she never wakes up on time.
Fishy swiftly ran to class but when she sat in her non assigned seat she noticed something unusual. Her head wasn't as itchy...

She asked Mr. Simas to use the bathroom as to which Fishy found out that her favorite lice was missing..
It started to get harder for her to breathe and she got so scared about what could've happened to him(the lice).
So like a normal person, Fishy retraced her steps from the veryyy beginning to find it. Well she was practically acting like a crackhead sniffing the ground with her THICK nose hair searching for her lice. In that moment Clown stumbled upon Fishy..

Their eyes met for the first time,, it nearly felt like their heart beats were synced together and everything felt right in that moment.
Clown glanced at the ground to which she found a fat juicy lice.
She picked it up and locked eyes with Fishy,

"does this belong to you?" she said.

Fishy immediately had butterflies in her stomach and kept slurring her words,

"y-yes, i've been looking all over for him. Thank you so much! Is there anyway i can repay you for this?" Fishy said.

"Anything?" Clown said as she gave Fishy the "look".

"y-yeah of course, anything." Fishy replied.

Clown insisted on ditching first period to be with Fishy to get to know eachother more😉.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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