"My Lights, what would you like to do today?" Ben asked looking down to the three beauties in his arms. Maverick's head popped up from Athena's chest, eyes wide as he pleaded, "Can we go swimming?" Athena nodded, her left hand raking through the boy's messy locks, the silver band on her ring finger sparkling in the sunlight. "Yes Mave, we can." The boy grinned, he loved being in the water, a plus to living in an isolated villa surrounded by water. Rowena groaned propping a little elbow up on Ben's chest and resting her head in her tiny hand, her pale green nightgown bunched up to her knees. "I'm hungry, can we eat first?" Ben chuckled, he had met his match in his daughter, the little girl filled to the brim with retorts and mischievousness. It almost made him send his mother a hologram to apologize for how difficult he had been in his youth. Him and Athena had gotten into plenty of trouble over the years before going to the Jedi temple. Although they had gotten into plenty of other trouble there too. "Of course." Rowena gasped an idea sparkling in her big eyes as she turned to look at her father, "Papa can you make Strawberry Strudel?" Maverick perked up again at that his little fingers fidgeting with the purple kyber crystal around his mother's neck, "Oh yes! Please Papa can you?" Athena bit back a laugh turning to her husband, feigning innocence. The twins were a lot like their mother, which he was quite thankful for, but there were many parts of his children that reminded Ben of himself... A perfect blend. "Only if you two help." He bargained and the two children nodded eagerly. "I get to break the eggs!" Rowena claimed sliding out of bed, rushing out the door. "Hey, no fair!" Maverick shouted chasing after his sister. Athena and Ben laughed, kissing each other before getting out of bed, "Let's go before they destroy the kitchen."

Rowena and Maverick raced down the docks, hand in hand, heading towards the glistening blue water of Naboo. "You two be careful!" Athena shouted from underneath the shade of a close by Cherry Blossom tree, her back pressed firmly against Ben's. A large splash shot up in the air, signifying the children's descent into the refreshing water. Ben's hearty laugh vibrated through her back as the two settled in watching their twins. In a thousand years, Athena never thought she would end up here. In her padawan days, she had thought of what her future with Ben would entail, but the idea vanished the moment she woke up on Hosnian with no memory. She had spent eleven years with no real sense of identity, the only thing she had was the Resistance. It was only when she found Ben again, under the most unpleasant circumstances, that she started to feel connected to the missing part of herself again. Yes there had been immense heartache along the way, but they had won. They had overcome the obstacles tearing them apart and the universe had rewarded them with two of the greatest gifts. And every night when they would lie in bed after an endless day of happiness, Athena would remind her love of how much of an amazing and loving father and husband he was. Ben had lived up to his promise, but the validation would chip away a piece of his harsh past and she would kiss the newly exposed part of him each time. They had finally achieved their destiny and now she could sink into the galaxy with her family, happily.

"My mother sent a hologram." Ben spoke up, his chin resting on her shoulder, arms secured around her frame, eyes to the lake. Athena hummed in response, urging him to continue as she smoothed out the skirt of her mauve dress. "She plans on visiting soon." After the war and the official resignation, Leia had returned to politics making sure democracy was done correct this time, the galaxy did not need another Empire or First Order. But the woman made sure to visit her grandchildren as much as possible, she never wanted them to feel abandoned as Ben had. "That would be nice, Euora has been asking when she would be coming. Is Rey going to accompany her?" Ben simply shrugged, unsure. "Well tell Lele, that Row and Mave would like to see their Aunt." Rey had become close with the family as well, the kids viewing her as their long lost Aunt, but she was often off world training the new generation of Jedi, with the seemingly odd help of Finn and Poe... The three had become inseparable after the war. She had begged for Ben and Athena to join her, but the two were quite content sitting under the Naboo sun with their children. Besides they had their own Force users to teach.

"Maverick Anakin Solo and Rowena Padme Solo, you two put those poor little frogs down!" Athena scolded eyeing the two frogs levitating above the water. The two children giggled and dropped the frogs, issuing out apologies. She bit her lip watching as the two mischievous Solo's returned to swimming. She could feel the tense state of Ben behind her and without even seeing his face she knew his brows were knitted together in thought. "What?" Athena asked tearing her gaze away from the water to look up her husband. He sighed, never tearing his gaze away from his salvations. "Do you think Mave will ever be upset we named him after my grandfather?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but nonetheless Athena heard him. She was not surprised by his concern, in fact she was more surprised this was the first time he had voiced it. She watched as Maverick splashed around with Rowena, big smiles on each of their little round faces, unaware of their lineage. Before they had even been born, Ben and Athena had discussed how they would not hide the truth from their children. They would tell them of their true lineage, born from both sides of the Force. And only if they wanted to be, then they would train them in the ways of the Force, but they had no pressure to do so. For once in a lifetime, the Skywalker family had free reign over their lives. "He may be confused as to why one day, but we will tell him the truth." "And that is?" Ben questioned. "To remind him, them both, that there is a balance, that Light resides in everyone, and darkness can be redeemed." Calloused fingertips grabbed ahold of her chin, turning her to look back and up at Ben. He wore a soft smile, she always knew what to say to pull him from his worrisome thoughts. He leaned down and captured her in a passionate kiss, their everlasting love sealed within. "Ew, they're kissing again!" Rowena's voice shouted in disgust. Maverick groaned in unison and Athena and Ben could only laugh, pulling apart. She nuzzled her nose into his, before resting her head on his shoulder, their eyes falling back to their giggling babies.

Athena could feel it, the other presences in the Force. Luke, her Great-Uncle, Ben's Grandparents, and even Han and her parents. She was positive if she looked to her sides she would see them, their great past, but instead she only focused on her future. Ben's hand clasped hers tightly as they continued to watch the children until their skin began to prune from the water and the clouds turned into a soft shade of lilac. And as the sun began to set, filling them with peace and love, they drifted into their happily ever after in a galaxy far far away. 

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