Your back!

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I hope they havn't forgotten me? Oh and if meliodas doesn't remember then i am going to beat the crap out of him. Oh, wait.... That's Diane which means the boar hat is over there.


As i walked closer Diane said,
"(y/n) is that you?" As i responded yes, she picked me up and hugged me, trying not to kill me while doing so. "Diane! How is it going?" "Good" "how about with you and king" *lemi face* "anyway imma go say hi to the rest of the sins" while Diane nodded i went into the boar hat everyone except merlin was im the main room, as expected. Meliodas yelled "(y/n) is that you?" As all the sins ran into a hug. King walked in from the side of the room, "long time, no see" "same you you you big goofhead!" After talking a young girl, a teenager, walked into the room with beautiful long white hair, compared with my (h/c) short cut hair, it was a magnificent site. "Oh Elizabeth your back" she name hit me hard, The former goddess Elizabeth who has been reancarnating for 3000 years only to die in front of meliodas, was the same girl or maybe coincidence? That doesnt matter right now! "Where is merlin" i asked wanting to leave as i felt tears form. "She is in her lab
, in her room she had directions to do the gate spell." So I just ran into her room and cast the spell. Within seconds a small gate opened up and i walked through it and it closed. I saw merlin, and when she turned around her eyes widened. "(y/n) you came back?" "Of course i did, i can't leave you all alone forever" i said trying to sound happy when merlin said "well its good to have you back" when i left i cried i cried alone when nobody was their, and king walked in. "You can't hide your feelings forever you know" "how could you tell?" "I am your best friend, it was you and helbrahm, you think i can't see through your fake smiles?" "No... i am over him! I-its not that.." "you sure?" "Of course!" "Also who is that girl?" "Princess Elizabeth, Third princess of liones" "P-p-princess O-O" "yeah, well you should probably come on down with me now that your tears are dry." "Ok" we talked more as we walked down the stairs. When we got there meliodas said "hey (y/n) your back" "yup!" "Good to hear!" He walked over to Elizabeth and fondled her "meliodas, she a damn Princess behave yourself" i yelled as i beat his head over again. "I am sorry for the actions of meliodas, Princess" In Elizabeths high pitched voice sweet as honey, said "their is no need to apologise, also you can call me Elizabeth." "Roger!" I said striking a salute pose. While everyone in the boar hat laughed like crazy.

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