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Jensen had always just assumed he was straight. He loved chicks and he really just thought it was as simple as that. He knew Misha didn't really identify with any label stating "I fall in love with whoever I fall in love with, labels are lame" and Jared, well he wasn't too sure about him. When they first starting working together, they went to a bar and Jared was all up on some dude but Jensen never spoke of it and neither did Jared. Jensen assumed he was just testing it out and honestly, deep down for some reason he had hoped Jared liked it. He brushed that off though and as the years went on, Jens really forgot about it. Except until now.

The three of them had went out to dinner together, enjoyed themselves, had a few drinks. Well a tad bit more than a few, but they all were feeling good. Nice 'n buzzed. Jensen had locked eyes with baby blue ones and for some reason he couldn't look away, captivated. He didnt realize the conversation had died down, laughter minimizing. "Hey Jens, you okay?" Jared asks, reaching across the table to nudge him. Jensen swore he never jumped so high, snapping out of it as he looks at Jared. "Yeah I uh, I blanked out a bit. What were you saying?" He asks, ignoring the urge to look at Misha again. He didn't understand what he was feeling. Did someone spike his drink? Why'd he feel so weird? "Mish was suggesting we head out, go do something. What do you think?" Jared asks. Usually Jared would pick fun at Jensen zoning out, but he was genuinely concerned for him. The look on Jensens face, he never seen it before and it kinda scared him considering he knew the guy for so many years.

"That sounds nice.. yeah." Jensen says, still struggling to really focus. "Hey you alright Jens? Like are you really sure you're okay?" Misha asks as he stands up and Jensen locked eyes with him again. "Did someone spike my drink?" Jensen blurts out and Jared couldn't help but laugh. "Bud no one was near any of your drinks, hey maybe you just had a bit too much. Wanna head back to your trailer?" Jared asks and Jensen shook his head as he stared at him. Jared and Misha shared a look before Jared looked back at Jensen, whom was still staring intensely at him. Jared raised his eyebrows and made a funny face, in hope's to snap the green eyed man out of whatever trace he was in, but had no success. Misha however, found it hilarious and started giggling, turning his head away to try and stop laughing. "We should head out, a nice walk or something." Jensen suggests and Misha turns around, nodding.

"Yeah, I'll let Clif know." Misha says and Jensen shrugs as he stands up. The three of them left, but Jensen was still oddly quiet as they walked down the street. Jared and Misha talked loudly, laughing happily as they talked about god knows what. Jensen wasn't really paying attention, he had other things on his mind. Like how he now suddenly remembered when Jared was all over that guy that one time. Jensen recalled the look in Jared's eyes. He started to wonder, maybe Jared wasn't straight. He hasn't been with a girl in the twelve years they've known eachother. That's a long time. Jensen wasn't sure about hookups because well, Jared's sex life is not his business but he wanted it to be.. wait wait. No. He didn't. What the hell was up with him? Someone had to have spiked his drink, there's no other explanation. His brain is going crazy.

"Jensss. I miss you c'mon, what's up?" Jared says, throwing an arm around the older mans shoulders and Jensen shivered at the contact, and stopped walking causing Jared to immediately stop. "You guys okay?" Misha asks and Jared tilted his head, his long hair flowing softly in the cool air. Jensen pulled him in for a hug, pressing his face into the taller man's neck. "That's a first." Jared chuckles jokingly, wrapping his arms around his best friend. "You okay?" Jensen hears Misha ask, and he feels an extra hand on his back. Rubbing in soft circles. This was nice. Jensen needed this. He breaks the hug and nods, suddenly feeling a lot more in touch with reality. "Yeah I'm great." Jensen says and Jared stared at him, a confused smile on his face. Jensen pats Jared's face, smiling at him and then continued to walk. He couldn't believe this. Was he.. no. He couldn't. Jensen couldn't let him self even think he liked his friends in that way. Both at the same time? No. Not possible. That's not a thing. People don't.. he's not gay. It's fine.

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