The compliments were put to an abrupt stop as Supergirl came flying back to the valley, landing rather roughly in front of the team. Deserey breathed out a sigh of relief, as they attention was brought back to the hot alien; but that was gone as soon as it came when she spotted Supergirl's furrowed brows and the large frown adorning her lips. Something wasn't right.

Kara's frantic blue eyes searched over each of the Legends' faces, as if expecting them to suddenly burst out attacking her or something. When they didn't, and when she spotted the unconscious aliens laying buried in the sand, her frown only deepened. "I don't understand." Her voice was small, fragile, and Deserey got the feeling she was trying very hard not to cry. "They're all -- and you're all --" At first Desserey thought she was talking about the aliens she'd just taken down, but Kara's gaze was flickering between the Legends and where she'd flown off to earlier. What the hell was going on?

Supergirl let out an angry cry, throwing her fist at a near by bolder, making Dez jump; the thing went soaring into the air. Deserey didn't see where it landed. Somewhere way out of her view. "This doesn't make any sense!" Kara screamed. And before any of the Legends could question her outburst, she was taking off again, tearing through the sky at unbelievable speed.

"Should we follow her?" Ray asked. He frowned, concerned in a way that only he could really pull off.

Martin shook his head in an instant. "She is almost as fast as Barry. Even at our fastest, none of our fliers will be able to catch up."

"So, what? We just wait for her to come back?" Kendra asked.

"Or," Sara said, "we could go see what got her so worked up."

It was a simultaneous motion, when the Legends looked to their captain, each, in turn, waiting for his inevitable protest. Rip stared back at them, rolling his eyes and letting out a long agitated sigh; but he bit his tongue, whatever lecture he wanted to dish out dying before it even seen the light of day. "I'd tell you all that messing with other worlds is arguably more dangerous than messing with time, but what would be the point? You never listen to me anyway."

Leonard smirked, maybe because they'd already managed to irritate the captain, maybe because he was looking forward to finding some mischief. "Then, we're all in agreement."

It took maybe an hour or better for the team to reach the nearest city -- National City. For one thing traveling with such a large party was quite the inconvenience. The fliers took to the sky, going ahead of the rest of them. Cabs were out of the question, so Rip spent their final time jump (until the ship was repaired that was) on getting the rest of the team into the city. And when they got there, it became pretty clear why all the cabs services were down. For miles upon miles people were just standing -- in the middle of the road, on the side walks, on the rooftops. Everywhere. It didn't look like they were so much as blinking. Were they even breathing? The sight had Deserey's heart sinking, the sea from the rooftop so long ago filling up her lungs all over again.

"Something tells me this isn't typical behavior for this earth..." she muttered. Rip landed the Waverider on top of the only clear rooftop -- a tall building called, judging from that bright ass sign out front. The Hawks, Firestorm, and Atom met them on the roof, touching down just as the Waverider's doors opened. Sara and the two crooks stalked out, in a hurry to catch up with the rest of their team it seemed, but Deserey hung back with Rip for a moment. "Hey, how did you know about Supergirl if she's from a different universe?"

Rip shrugged, a dubious sort of expression adorning his face. Again, his hands were shoved into his coat pockets, making Dez wonder once more if the action was a nervous tick. Did everything make him uncomfortable? "In 2017, she comes to Earth One, our Earth, for the first time. She'll help defend our world from an alien race called the Dominators." It took her a second to recall that she actually had already heard this story -- from Barry when he went to Leonard for help stealing that gizmo from ARGUS. "After that, it becomes something of a yearly crossover."

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