~ Chapter 1 ~

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Husk's P.O.V

The hotel just keeps getting more pupular, it's good for the majority of the hotel, obviously. But not so much for me, when i first got forced into working at this hellhole's bar it was pretty easy. Hardly anybody was really staying here. So i just got to drink away without getting bothered.. that's a lie - actually. That stuipid slutty spider was always fucking around. Although i do admit he's quietened down now. Alastor's still being a creep. I dont trust him, he's not here to help, why would he!?

Pulled out of my thoughts, Charlie calls a meeting, i grabbed my bottle of booze before walking out into the kitchen where the others were already seated.

I slouched onto one of the chairs and stared blankly at her waiting for herr announcement. Any minute now..

"Hey everyone! So! I thought.. since you've all worked so hard helping us here to improve our society.. that we could all have a break! What about a camping trip? What do ya say!!" She exclaimed clapping her hands in enthusiasm.




"That sounds delightful, my dear!" The static voice was the first to beam.

"Yeah, i could do with a break. This body needs time to unwind if ya know what am sayin'." Angel tuned in, leaning back in his chair resting his head against his top pair of arms and his bottom pair folded accross his stomach. Getting a good glare from Vaggie.

"A break!? A break from what? Su-"

"Okay! Okay, Vaggie, he is improving.. so what about the rest of you?"

"Yes! Sounds wonderful! But.. who's gonna keep this place clean?!" Nifty proclaimed sitting up in her seat clearly eager for a response.

"Well... maybe you could clean this place before we leave, how about that Nifty?" Charlie suggested.

"Oh! Great idea, i better get to work then!" She smiled and dashed off to who-knows-where.

"Wont Nifty get a bit.. uncomfortable? Bein'.. camping. Ya know, outside? In the supposed woods with the dirt n' shit?" I comment, i dont really want to deal with a panick attack when she realises that she cant clean the woods.

"Hmmmm, true.." she said tapping her chin in thought.

"What if she stays here then?" Angel suggests, dumbass we can't leave Nifty alone! She's like. A child for fuck sake!

"But she's only a kid! We cannot leave her to look after this whole place, its dangerous! Even if we do close it.." Charlie said, letting out a long sigh.

"Have no fear, my dear!" Hah, what a charmer. I roll my eyes and take another swig at his happy-go-lucky attitude. "As you know, Nifty and i are quite close if i do say so myself! Nifty knows how to call me over in the blink of an eye! I'm sure she'd appreciate the time to clean every inch of this place with no interruptions!" He proclaimed.

"Great! So, Husk?" Everyone turned to me, it was quite uncomfortable actually.

"Uhh, can just stay here?" I asked wearily, party already knowing the answer.

"Nope! Guess it's settled then. See you guys outside in an hour!"

"Hey sugar, mind if a friend from a bar tags along with me?" Angel asks.

"As long as you dont fuck them or bribe them to come along for you're own amusement, then whatever." Vaggie answered for her before Charlie could even open her mouth.

"Yep! What she said! Im gonna go get ready! Bye!"

I got up and started lazily making my way to my room. A 'friend'. Now i would have assumed Cherry, but she doesn't go to the bar i dont think, so who's he talkin' about? Not that i care. But i'm pretty well known at the bars around here, most of the people are all good fun, i dont get on with a few though unfortunately, which cant be helped. I dont really even want to go camping. I'd rather drink my life away right here right now. But they obviously wouldn't let me do that. Luckily i dont have much stuff i'd like/be able to bring so it'll be a backpack at most along with a sleeping bag.

Angel Dust's P.O.V

Charlie was talking to me about this the other day, so i was talking to a bar friend about it and mentioned who was coming, even if Nifty isnt coming anymore.. it's for her good really. Anyway my friend seemed to perk up at the mention of Husk, and automatically asked for approval if he could come along, does he like Husk?

For some reason i had a small pang of jealousy at the thought. Who am i even jealous about? Was it Husk because Rick liked him over me? Or was it Rick because.. ugh, no! You asked him for you're services and he declined! He wouldn't say yes to this guy.

Wait why do i care!? I have packing to do!!!

No One's P.O.V

The hour seemed to fly by. Angel was struggling to fit everything he needed (wanted) into 2 suitcases and a backpack. Alastor had just finnished explaining things to Nifty who was actually quite happy about what had to happen. Husk was outside waiting first since he had the least to pack, Alastor was next with a massive rucksack. Husk knew not to be surprised until he saw Angel come down with 2 trolly's full.
Next came Vaggie and Charlie with a small suitcase each. Vaggie was starting to get impatient as the taxi was due and nothing was heard from Angel.

"If that slut is packing sex toys now i swear.." she muttered.

"Sorry bitches! I'm finally here!" He said coming out of the elevator doors.

"Now all we have to wait for is Angel's 'friend'" Vaggie huffed; clearly regretting letting him so easily bring along a stranger.

"Vaggie, we talked about this! whoever it is im sure they're nice!" Charlie told her hands on her girlfriends shoulders, not convincing Vaggie in the slightest, still managed to bring a smile onto her face though, well done for that Charlie.

Jut a few moments went by as a car pulled up outside and a tall demon slid open the door and stepped out with his luggage.

"Shit, fuck no. This guy? Angel, please tell me this is not the guy who's coming with us."

"Yeah baby! Why? What's the problem toots?" Angel asked looking at him, genuinely confused.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

Angel was slightly concerned, he had never seen even the slightest bit of worry or doubt on Husk's face before. It was pretty evident right now, what's wrong with his mate? 'Ugh, why do i care, he's probably just being his grumpy moody self.' He thought to himself pushing the thoughts away to greet his buddy.

Oh, how Husk felt screwed.

Sorry, this book is gonna go along slowly, and the chapter's wont be as long as this but that means they'll come out more often, that's it.

Thank you so much for reading! It's not great, i mean im still in Highschool, i suck c':

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