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I was walking down the hall to my class, I hear this music playing nearby. I wonder where it is coming from, I go to check it out. I saw a group of boys, tease her, and judge her. I wanted to stop it but the bell rang and when I looked back they were gone. A few days later I see the same girl with a boy, I could see the love in her eyes towards him, I look into his eyes and I see a evil in his eyes. He was pretending to love her, with that fake smile and mezmerizing eyes. he ran off laughing in her face, I could see all the emotions in her eyes. she was furious, sad, crushed, confused, hurt. I feel a tear drop go down my cheek, I then saw vengeance in her eye. Then I saw the impossible, I see her bones shift, and then before I could react she was a wolf... I saw her rip apart and slaughter everyone and everything she hated. I don't blame her, but she doesn't know what I am and what my job is. let me explain, I am an Archangel, I must protect humans, and their reality that they know of. So I release my wings, but I make sure nobody else can see them, I don't need to get in trouble for humans seeing my true form. I do not need my armor nor my weapons, she may be a strong wolf, my wings are indestructible, to some degree. I approach her without fear, I place my wings in front of me just in case she decides to attack. Then to my surprise I see a tear rolling down her eyes, I look at her not as a monster but as a hurt girl that needs love and protection. I then remember the song she played earlier, this is halloween, I may not be a good dancer, but I am a really good singer. I start to sing the song with a soft and caring voice. I see that she is calming down, and she starts to turn back into the human girl I saw before. I could see how weak she was, she collapses, I catch her and hold her tightly as I wrap my wings around us to conceal us from the humans. I have just enough power to make everything look right, and also wipe everyones memories including her's. as my wings keep us safe from sight we cannot stay here forever. I open a portal into my personal shadow realm where I go to regain my strength and rest. but before we enter the portal I cannot help but look at her, calm and beautiful face. I think to myself " What is this feeling in my heart, am I in love with her? ". I snap out of it and we slip into my shadow realm. 

2 days in my shadow realm

we stayed in the shadow realm for days ( 1 day in the shadow realm is 1 minute in the human realm ). I start to worry, even when I use all of my strength, I never had to rest this long. I kneel next to her and begin healing her wounds, the kind of transformation she goes through causes damage to the human body. I have healed all of her wounds, I must take her back to the human world, But I can't help but think, " why don't I just keep her here with me, safe, protected, and loved. even though it is suggested angels don't fall in love, I love her ". I take her back to the human world, I have to briefly look into her mind to see where she lives. I put our fore heads together and I peek into her mind, I have done this before so I easliy weave through her mind and find a memory of her room. I exit her mind carefully not to leave a trace behind. ( trust me, don't leave tracks other wise you get a lecture, even if you are the only Archangel. ). I open my wings, one black wing and one white wing, I hold her close to my chest with my arms holding her. I kick off the ground as hard as I can and begin to fly to her house.  I arrive to her house, still holding her close to my chest, I feel her begin to awaken. I quickly use some of my power to teleportinto her room, I sense that she is waking up, I also sense her mother in the house so i don't have to worry for her safety. I see her open her eyes, I hide behind my invisible wings, she probably saw a glimpse of me, I quickly dissapear into my shadow realm to regain my strength. I may be The Archangel but even I have my limits in my semi human form, I thank nature for her being so light. now I close my eyes and rest.

a few days later in the human realm.

I return to the human realm fully rested, everything is back to normal, luckily. I see her in the hallway, I walk past, she starts crying, it breaks my heart to see her like this. I decide to tell her the truth. I find her during 6th in the commons, and I tell her, " I love you, I have loved you ever since I first saw you". All I want to do is protect her, love her, and care for her, I want her to be my wife. I ask her to be my girl friend, she says " yes ". In that moment I feel so happy, I have never felt this way before, this is what love feels like. I know it will not be easy because she has been hurt before, I don't want to hurt her. I have no idea how to love her, I have been trying but I feel like I am messing up. today I cuddled with her in the hallway, I tell her I love her with all my heart, she says, " I love you to ". I try touching her and I fail miserably, then she mentions something that I will not say. I tense up because I am scared of hurting her, and I have no idea how to do that. I'm okay with it as long as she is truly ok with it. I love her with every fiber of my being, even though she does not know what I truly am, I hope when she does find out she will still love me for who I am. I am not afraid of her turning into a wolf, as long as I am with her, she cannot harm anyone, because she loves me. I hear that she loves blood, I do not mind if she bites, I heal faster than anyone in this existence. I am in her hands, because I trust her, and love her.

that night

I have a dream of our future child, a girl named lexial, she looks happy and beautiful. lexi has her moms eyes, she also has tiny wings, wings that look like mine, Lexi also has blond hair like me and Jessica. I look up at my wife, Jessica she is so happy and so am I. I wake up in tears, the dream seemed so real, I want it to be real, I wished that night with every cell in my body that my dream becomes real. I quickly fall back to sleep, dreaming of our future.

I love you jessica, and even if everything falls apart around us, I will always catch you when you fall. my life is in your hands, I trust you with our future.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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