Chapter 28: New Tattoo

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I ran over and hugged her.

"I thought you were dead. what happened."

"Well after Eric went out a few times I notices he was acting really sketchy. so he told me Andrews plan and I went to your house to tell you but the place was engulfed in flames. Eric called me and told me to meet him at a safe house. so I stayed there for a while. after a few days when Eric didn't come back I went to his house and he was dead and ever since then we've been looking for you."

"Where is a Andrew now?"

"In a holding cell."

"Wait so he's here? in the police station? Where? Can I see him?"

"Clara I don't think that's a good idea." Jess said.

"Please I want to see him."

"Okay." A said leading me to the holding cell.

Andrew was sitting on a cot with his head in his palms.


I ran over to the cell gripping the iron bars.

"Clara why are you here?" He said putting his hands over mine.

"Questioning. I told them I wanted to go with you. did they charge you with anything?"

"Man slaughter for killing those two cops and Eric."

"Jess is alive. I thought she was dead but she's not."

"I guess that's good."

"Yeah now I want be alone. how long are you going to be in jail?"


Tears welled up in my eyes. I can't go a lifetime without Andrew.

He cupped my cheek and I leaned into it.

"Hey hey, shh it's okay. don't cry."

"I can't spend a lifetime without you. I can call and visit. right?"

"They might not let you."

"I'll write you letters. all the time. don't forget me."


"times up."

"No! Please! I love you Andrew."

"I love you too. I will see you again!"

"Promise." I said as they were pulling me away.

"Promise." he shouted just as they pulled me away from the holding cells and back into the lobby.


It's been two weeks since I've seen him, I always write him and he writes back. I laugh and cry at his letters.

I miss him like crazy.

"Okay come on, you can't stay like this forever."

"Like what?"

"Sitting here in one of his hoodies and a pair of yoga pants."

I had to get my clothes from Andrew house in the mountains and I managed to sneak one of his hoodies with me. it's still smells like his axe cologne.

"Well I'm sorry I'm upset."

"Listen Clara he's a monster. he's killed and he took you."

"I went with him because I wanted to."


"Listen, I'm staying with you until my condo sells so I can move."

"I know. hey why don't we go out tonight."

Paranoia -completed-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora