Accepting the unintended offer, the blonde drew her tongue up the side, allowing the fingertips of her left hand to trace the plunging neckline of Regina's button-up. Ripping the buttons as she yanked it free and enjoyed the fullness of Regina's exposed breasts with her free hand, plunging two fingers deep into the brunette. Her guttural moan set Emma's insides on fire as she hastily worked her tongue over Regina's beautiful, hard peak. A low hiss followed, taking pleasure in Emma's tongue swirling, and the scrap of teeth she permitted to harden the bud further before taking it in her mouth. Regina's crown ached unbearably as the hand still fisted in golden hair shook. The balancing hand clawing at Emma's neck with each thrust of her hips against Emma's fingers brought much-needed friction.

Emma's crooked grin reappeared as she watched Regina work, entranced by the sight of full, bouncing breasts. When they had sex, Emma was always present. She couldn't look away from Regina if told it would save her life. Regina was her life and she always watched her in a way that made that concrete. Whether it was the sound of a breathy moan, the sight of Regina zipping up the back of her chosen dress, or skirt, Emma drank every second in. She was dying a thirst and the only river to quench it named Regina.

Regina purred, lowering her mouth to Emma's ear. "Did you miss me?"

"Yes," Emma moaned, adding a third finger to give the brunette the stretch she thoroughly enjoyed, swiping her thumb over an all too eager clit. Regina trembled, a light sheen of sweat beaded on her forehead. Curling her fingers inside the brunette, stroking her sweet spot against the walls, Emma repeated the motion over Regina's sensitive bundle of nerves.

Crying out with everything she possessed, Emma's name tumbled from Regina's lips as the orgasm ripped through her. It was a miracle that Regina kept her eyes open and locked on Emma's as she came gloriously over the fingers still inside her, down her thighs, and over the blonde's stomach. Deep jade eyes staring back at her, heart-pounding an erratic rhythm in its cage, thighs quivering, and her climax burning through all the sense at once.

The blonde held one arm around Regina's quivering body, continuing her rhythm in and out, drowning herself in the beauty of her lover's release. Following the slowing pace of walls contracting, each one pulling her in again. Regina's grip on golden hair released as her body began to come down from the high climax.

Regina slumped forward, head on Emma's shoulders, enamored at the feeling of their breasts touching. As her breathing returned to normal, so too did Emma's. Running her hand down Regina's spine, Emma plopped a lazy kiss to her forehead. In turn, Regina was drawing her fingertips down the blonde's arm. "It appears my Emma earned herself some goosies."

But Emma didn't respond beyond a smile. "Is she okay?" Regina asked, to a nod.

"I like when you act like the Queen, Mommy. When she growls stuff, it makes Emma's crown ache so bad, but I like it and I know she would never hurt me."

"No one wants the Queen, dear."

"I want the Queen, Mommy," Emma whispered to Regina, leading a tan hand to her awaiting wet center.

"First you ruined my panties," Regina purred, running one of her fingertips over the raised flesh of Emma's neck. Teasing lower through her slickness "then you ruined my sleeping blouse. And finally, you asked if you could give me special kisses but they never came. Lying is very naughty Emma."

Emma's breathing had increased exponentially and in the moonlight pouring in from the window her pupil blown eyes were hardly hidden. "I don't know how to say how I want to give you special kisses."

"Show me my Swan." Moving at once, Emma knelt, knees apart and hands on top of the headboard. Regina traced her fingertips over the inner thigh of Emma's leg, watching the way the gooseflesh returned with a vengeance. Following Emma's posture and positioning, Regina arched an eyebrow in her direction. "Come, use that pretty little mouth to give Mommy what she deserves."

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