They were slightly callused but they were still very gentle as he wrapped one of my arms around his neck and lifted me bridal style to lay me down in my bed. He smiled gently at me and it made me blush for some unknown reason, I couldn't believe he picked me up! I mean sure he was like almost foot taller than me but I didn't think I was that small up until now.

 "Umm...can you tell me what happened to me?" I asked as he laid me down, my throat was still sore and I knew that I had to have bruises where David's hands wrapped around my neck.

 "I'm not supposed to. The only thing I'm allowed to do here is to check your stiches to make sure you didn't tear them. I'm helping my Dad here for this year because I want to be a doctor when I grow up like him, so please don't deck me when I check over them again." He said, looking at me like he was a little sad and for some reason it made me sad too. I just nodded and turned so that my hip was exposed to his careful hands and I just couldn't help but cry at how gentle he was being with me. It had been three very long years that I was stuck with David and since my mother died no one had touched me in a way that wasn't meant to hurt me and I wasn't sure how to handle it anymore.

 "I'm sorry that this had to happen to you, I'm not sure if this will make you feel any better but I know the bastard who did this is dead now. He was holding a knife to your throat and almost started to cut when the cops took him down, the cop who took him out will probably be here in a few hours to talk to you. He comes to check on you a lot." He told me, still running his hands over my hip and I could feel where he was touching me get warmer and the pain started to go away. I turned to look at him and smiled at him and his grey eyes twinkled back at me, his almost black hair was cut real short so I had no problem loooking into them.

 "I'm Lavena." I told him as I placed my hand over his, he smiled back at me and think the heart monitor stopped for a moment.

"People call me Mac, sort for MacLain which is my last name but my name is Conroy. Just please for the sake of everything that is holy and dear please do not call me Conni, it is the one thing that I just cannot take. And you don't have to worry I'm not some old pervert or anything either, I'm actually only a year older than you. You're 13 right?" I nodded at him and he smiled that killer smile again.

For the next few days he was there laughing with me, flirting with me, and trying to make me feel better. The last day he held my hand as they took out my stiches and growled at them anytime I fliched which made me feel special to have someone around who was over protective, someone who didn't like to watch me in pain. When they were done I was finally allowed to wear scrub pants and a real shirt that day and, yay, a bra. The scar there would never go away so I'd aways have the reminder there of David, of horrible things he did to mother before she died. But back to my horrible hospital stay, it was entirely too embarassing that you could see everything through the dang gowns they kept giving me. My last day there he gave me a tour around the hospital and brought me one of his sweaters to wear home, he walked me to the car that would take me back to the apartment and actually kissed me before it pulled off.

I got home and just as I was about to close the door Tia came pushing her way through it and before I knew what was happening she had me gripped in a tight hug and was crying all over me. I patted her back and made some coffee for her like I always did when I knew she didn't get any sleep.

"I can't believe how stupid I was! I should have known on their wedding day what a bastard he actually was." I told Tia as I cried into her shoulder. she patted my shoulder as she made tsk noises at me, silent not saying anything yet. But I knew what was coming in

"I tried to tell you the day I met him that he was a bastard and I mean you know now that you should have listened to me but hey what can you do? Your best friend can only say it so many times before she was proven right I guess..."

A Healing TouchHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin