Meeting His Match (Ouat FF)- Let out

Start from the beginning

Pan walked over and sat next to Rogue, pointing to her instrument. "What were you playing?" he asked.

She didn't answer, just looked out at the sea. He began to chuckle.

"You know, I'm trying to be nice here. I just want to be friends, that's all," he says with a small fake smile.

She turned to look at him and sighed, looking down to her flute.

"A melody my mother played me. It was what she used to put me to sleep," she finally responded, her eyes burning slightly from holding back tears. Peter nodded.

"Is it just on flute?" he asked. She nodded.

He smirked, taking the flute from her and holding it up to play. She looked at him tiredly, not in the mood to play games.

"What are you doing?" she asked. He lowered the flute.

"I want play the lullaby," he said simply. She scoffed, pointing at him.

"Do you even know how to play the damn thing? Let alone the song I was playing?" she asked with a small smirk. He shrugged.

"No, but I'm a fast learner. So teach me," he said nudging her, making her smile.

"Okay, okay," she finally said.

Pan started to play the tune of the song as Rogue swayed to the melody. He played it a bit more eerie but that made Rogue love it even more. (The song only lost people can hear.)

Peter's eyes never left Rogue as she swayed. Her mother would always play that song since, Little Nate, never wanted to sleep. So her mother made the song just for her. Peter pulled the pipes away from his lips and smirked at her, as she stared out into the night.

"You know, that's very beautiful. Almost as much as you," he said, trying to flatter her.

Well, he wasn't fully lying, he really thought she was beautiful. With her naturally wavy blonde highlighted brown hair pulled to her left shoulder, her brown eyes looking a midnight black in the moonlight, her light, yet fair skin looking like almost gold in the night. Though, he would never tell her that.

She scoffed, looking down as she realized why he was here. "Stop," she said.

He looked at her confused. "Stop what?" he asked.

She looked over at him and glared, grabbing her flute.

"I'm not stupid, Pan. I know you want something out of me. And you're trying to get that by seducing me. But I know better," she puts her hood over her face, "Because it's my job to do the seducing."

With that, she jumped down from the very high branch, landed gracefully on her feet, and disappeared into the forest. Pan sat there dumb founded, clearly not expecting that. She didn't even giggle like most girls would, or blush the slightest bit.

"Well," he said to himself, "I guess she's gonna need a little more... persuading."


Rogue's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to hear someone come in my tent. Yes, Pan gave me a tent. Well, his tent, anyway. But I made it perfectly clear I wasn't going to sleep in here unless he slept outside. After a lot of arguing, he finally gave in. I open my left eye to see Pan kneeling in front of me with his signature smirk. I swear, that smirk never leaves to take a water break.

I groan, rolling over so I wouldn't get mesmerized by that one look. "What do you want, Elf?" I ask.

He fakes a hurt gasp, "Oi! No need to be rude! I just wanted to let you know breakfast is ready," he said, making me roll my head to look at him.

I roll my eyes and stand, running a hand through my hair and walking out of the tent, him following. I go to the fire circle to see the Lost Boys devouring their food, not leaving much. So, I just grabbed an apple and sat next to Bae, who handed me some bacon. I smiled, taking it and taking a bite out of it. I notice Pan sat next to Felix, looking at me intently as he chewed on some bread. I send him a brief smile before looking down and taking another bite out of my bacon.

Man, compliments to the chief. This stuff is good.


After breakfast, I just sat on a log when Bae walked up to me, dropping a sword to my feet. I look up and give him a questioning look.

"I bet I can take you," he says, holding up his sword.

I smile, grabbing the sword in my hand and twirling it around.

"No offense Bae, but I don't think so," I say, holding it out for him to take. I hear a scoff.

"You scared, Girl?" I hear Felix ask. My teeth clench as I stand up and turn to face him.

"First, it's Rogue. Second, I'm not afraid of anything. It's you who should be afraid of me. Want another scar to match the one you already have?" I ask, making the other boys 'ooh' at my burn.

Felix glares at me, grabbing a sword and holding it in defense position.

"Alright Rogue, why don't I show you how a Lost Boy fights?" he threatens. I shrug, holding out my sword with a smirk.

"So you admit you're Lost Boys?" I ask, making his glare even more deadily. "Hold on, this isn't a fair fight... for you. To make it easier, I'll put one arm behind my back," I say, doing so as I see his jaw clench.

He gets so angry, he runs at me in anger, making it very easy to hit his wrist, knock the sword away from him and pin him to the ground. I straddle him, my sword pressed to the bottom of his chin and smirk.

"Rule twenty six: Never let anger get the best of you," I say, the get off of him and walk back to the log.

I hear a slow clap behind me, making me look to see Pan leaning against a tree. Was he there the whole time?

"Nice work Rogue, very good skill. You beat my second hand man. But can you defeat the Great Peter Pan?" he taunted, making a sword appear in his hand.

I sigh. "Didn't we already settle this when I pinned you down when we met?" I ask, but still take my stance. He laughs.

"If I remember correctly, I pinned you to the ground," he says, making me glare at him.

I take a breath, running at him and clash our swords together. We both stood there, trying to push the other to the ground. I then trip his foot, making his knee buckle and I was able to knock him back, making him stumble back. I clash my sword to his, making it fly far from his side and land in the dirt as he fell on his bum. I hold the sword to his face, making him shoot me a dirty look as I smirk at him.

"You cheated," he stated, making me laugh.

"Oi! Don't point fingers, you never explained the rules," I say, backing up and handing him his sword again.

He smirked, standing up with sword in hand. "Alright, you want to play that way," he says. I smirk.

"I do. Let's play!" I yell before we run and out swords clash again.




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