The Walk

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Okay. Brunch was cancelled, so what do we do now? That was the only thing we had planned to do. Well, the only thing besides Mom and Nana going shopping. Classic woman move. I think I'll walk over to the neighbors' house and charmingly introduce myself.


I dress myself properly and fix my hair. It's too short to get knotted, you'd think, but here I am with a hairbrush and my mom's detangling spray. "Mmmm... watermelon" I hum, satisfied. I finish combing the chaos on my head and stop to stare at myself in the mirror. "There's no way someone who looks like me has a chance with a girl like her," I think to myself, "she's a slim girl with long brown beach waves and a beautiful smile. I'm just 'blegh'." I frown at my reflection. Then I laugh at the sight of myself without a grin. I slip on my Adidas and head out the door.

I was so excited, I practically waltzed the 60 feet from my driveway to her's. When I get to her porch, I hesitate. What could possibly be holding me back? "Nothing," I told myself, "nothing is going to keep me from this girl." I pridefully walk to the door with even strides and take a deep breath. I ring the doorbell and await for my princess in a shining face mask to answer the door. I stand in silence for thirty-eight seconds when I hear a nearby creak. It was the door.

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