Chapter 1: ENDGAYM

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Pre-Paradise, 2032: AFGHANISTAN

Once that Fireball Hit, there was a moment, a Flash of Excruciating pain where Trevor felt a lifetime. Everything he worked far for, everything he did, and everything he wanted flashed into his mind like an eternity. The guilt, the Suffering, the Rage, the Nirvana; everything he that was him on fast forward from Birth to Death.

His life Literally Flashed Before His Very Eyes.

And then, as the Darkness Fell, and he found himself in The Void, he suddenly found himself on the Street of a Massive City. He found himself in a Dystopia, and he immediately knew where he was.

This wasn't Heaven.
This wasn't Hell.

No.... This was Much Worse.

That's when he knew he was truly fucked.

Soon as he found that life didn't end, he raced to find a way to kill himself.

The first attempt was easy. He found someone with a gun and Shot Himself.

He appeared elsewhere, now naked. This time he was on top of a skyscraper. So he jumped.

After splattering on the ground, He wound up elsewhere again. This time in a pond, so he drowned himself.

Again, and Again, and Again and Again and Again and Again.

Before he was finally caught up with by the Police, he had Commenced Suicide 13 Times. The 14th time he appeared he was inside of a Capsule with an LED Screen that said: Stop! You're Wasting Your Time.

That's when he knew it was over.

They Scanned Him. Other than Cancer, some out of place Organs, and a steady Clean Mental Evaluation, he basically came out alright. He had Clinical Depression with Psychosis.

They Cloned him, Tweaked his Death Count to Zero, implanted a Chip in his head, and was sent to the President of ISOCELES.

"Trevor James Varga. Huh, haven't met one like you yet. Luckily, I have met some of your Alter-Egos. Impressive People. I bet you'll meet their standard. Maybe even exceed it..."

Trevor, lighting up a Cigarette, makes his first Trade.

"What do you want?" In a calm, undertoned Voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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