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Hundreds of miles away from Earth, a small bug is crushed under the Ceramite Shod foot of an imperial soldier. Rank upon rank of blue clad Imperial troops march across the Sun baked rocky terrain of Armageddon, towards the approaching rabble of partisans. As the Imperial forces press forward despite the electron beams flying over their heads, the rebels begin to doubt the solidity of their own line. There was no way their untrained villagers could withstand a one on one combat against the heavily drilled soldiers of the Imperial army. Even the veteran warriors they had could not hold back the ever approaching wall of helmets. The Militia finally broke when the imperial troops returned fire, raining down bolt after bolt of proton energy onto their fleeing opponents. If the rebels ever had a chance of winning the battle, that forlorn hope was snuffed out when the imperial artillery opened fire. Amidst the screaming of dying soldiers and the crashes of the tanks, a rebel officer sounded the retreat. It made no difference as the partisan forces had broken and ran long ago. As the mist of battle cleared it revealed hundreds of dead bodies, none of them wore blue.

Warboss Garlneck looked upon the battlefield with disgust after his latest defeat on the plains of Meggedo. His green Ork skin was blistering under the hot sun, and his mood had darkened as his pathetic human "allies" were cut down by the Ultramarine's boltguns . It seemed that the more humans joined his Waaagh the more the campaign was lost. The large Ork was running low on Lieutenants as well. Every defeat his armies suffered another "nob" was killed in rage. If the great warlord wished to win this war then he would have to win it with Orks.

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