Chapter 2: Boy meets Girl

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Lulu's eye colour in the picture :)


Wednesday morning, we were all up bright and early. Somehow, they all got up extremely early and dragged me out of bed. We sat in the kitchen, on the counter, on the chair, on the ground (the last one was Katie). The girls and I were all excited, One Direction was coming today! Rachel stood making grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone at the stove. The whole of Tuesday was spent cleaning out the guest bedrooms, with Claire to help us.

Claire is the maid. She doesn’t really make our beds or wash the clothes, we could do that. We hired her because we needed someone to clean the bathroom. Let’s just say that we can’t stand seeing mildew, let alone scrubbing it. Clair had a little baby girl, Lulu, who would sometimes be here when she couldn’t find a babysitter.

Lulu was about three years old, and the most adorable baby ever. She had the most amazing eyes I have ever seen in a child. We often took care of Lulu while Claire worked. Claire’s husband was in the army, and he was away, so we took care of her. The girls all loved Lulu, and sometimes Claire would spend the night at our house.

Claire wasn’t a maid to us; she was a really good friend. Just then, she walked in, carry Lulu. “Isa!” she cried, stretching out her tiny arms to Isabel. Isabel smiled and took her from Claire, who sank into a chair. “Why are you girls up so early?” she asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes. “Oh wait, don’t tell me, they boys are coming today aren’t they?”

We all grinned at her in response. She shook her head at us. “Teenagers,” she mumbled. Claire was like our mother/manager. Mother as in she looked out for us when she was here, and manager as in reminding us to check the Book.

Rachel turned around and set a plate on the table, loaded with sandwiches. We all grabbed one and began munching on them. Madison shuffled in. “Morning,” she said, and took a sandwich.

“Why are you up so early?” asked Avalon. Since Madison denied liking One Direction, Avalon had been struggling to get her to say she did like them. They all knew about the magazine.

“No reason,” she told us, taking a bite. After breakfast, we just hung around the house, not really knowing what to do. The twins played with Lulu while the rest of us just sat around staring into space. I felt someone tug on the hem of my pants. Glancing down, I saw Lulu sitting on the ground holding a book. Smiling at her, I pulled her on my lap and began to read ‘Three Little Pigs’.

When I was finished, I decided I wanted to leave my mark in her upbringing, and taught her how to count up to five in Spanish. Now she could say Lilah taught her how to do it.

After she fell asleep on the couch, I decided to take a walk in the garden. The garden was huge, and needed at least ten gardeners to take care of it.

When I came back inside, the purple phone rang. Taking a quick look at the time, I saw it was about quarter past nine. I picked up the receiver. “Cross Section, Lilah speaking.”

“Lilah Force right?” asked an Irish voice. My eyes bulged. It sounded remarkably like Niall Horan.

“Yes,” I said, trying to keep myself from fangirling. We celebrities are just like you normal fans.

“Thank God, Simon has terrible handwriting and I called the wrong number twice,” he said, sounding relieved. “Niall Horan here.”

“Oh, excuse me but let me just get this out. I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M TALKING TO NIALL HORAN!” I screamed. Taking a deep breath, I turned back to the receiver. “Pretend you didn’t hear that.”

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