You finally steeled yourself before going on your way again. You needed to get to the music building before their classes started so you could speak with Yoongi. You decided last night to explain everything to him — not in the hopes of getting him back — you just didn't think it was right to leave things the way they were.

You finally spotted his glorious grey locks and you plastered a smile on your face as you tried to approach him. A few steps in his direction and the smile on your face faltered, as you noticed his arm slung over another girl's shoulders before he dragged her closer to him for a heated kiss.

Suddenly, Mark's words about Yoongi entered your mind. He really was just a fuckboy. You felt numb. You guessed that Mark was right, you really weren't that 'special'. Not to Yoongi anyway. You laughed bitterly to yourself before heading back to the library.


"You look like shit," a familiar voice got you out of your own head.

"Good morning to you too, Jae," you replied, watching him take a seat across from you. "Why aren't you in class?"

"I just felt like you needed me today," you raised your eyebrow at his reply, unhappy with it. "I mean, I saw you and Yoongi outside of the music building and knew you needed me today."

You offered him a small smile as you watched your hands fiddling with the rings on your fingers, "I assume you heard too?"

"I did," Jaebeom sighed. "Wanna talk about it?"

You flashed him a genuine smile this time. You truly were lucky to have him as your best friend. You started telling him about what happened last night and this morning, including the fight with Mark. Jaebeom listened intently without interruptions.

Once you've divulged everything, Jaebeom abruptly stood up and slung his backpack on as he announced that there was somewhere he needed to be.

"Don't do anything stupid for me," you warned him gently with a smile, already knowing where he was headed.

"As if," Jaebeom replied before walking over to your side of the table to ruffle your hair. He planted a quick kiss on the top of your head before heading out of the library.


Mark woke up groggily from his slumber on the floor. The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was his blanket. He also realised that he was laying on his pillow even though he didn't remember taking them with him, when he had gone to your door to apologise profusely. He checked his surroundings and right by his feet, he noticed your bedroom door open.

He sprung quickly to his feet, entering your room to find it vacant. He called out for you as he checked every corner in the apartment to find you gone. He caught a glimpse of the time and cursed, knowing you were already at campus and he had missed you. He quickly jumped into the shower, getting ready to go out and search for you.

Mark needed to make this right. He realised the gravity of his words and actions and how much he hurt you. He would usually let the fight pass until one of you forgot about it but he knew that wasn't possible this time. He had gone too far and he hurt you too much. The look of hurt on your face last night would serve as a constant reminder, that this was something he needed to amend.

Just as he was about to put his shoes on, he heard someone knocking on the front door. He opened the door to see Jaebeom standing there and before he could even say anything, Jaebeom grabbed him by the collar and pushed him through his apartment and against the nearest wall.

"What the fuck?!" Mark asked even though he was almost sure he knew why Jaebeom was pissed.

"How could say that shit to her?!" Jaebeom snapped back.

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