Jealous MattiaxKairi

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Pov Kairi

Me and the boys were on our way to our favorite restaurant, because we all were starving, but when we entered the restaraunt, their wasn't any free table. There must be something special today, that we didnt hear off. We were about to go and search for another place to eat, when we saw a girl making her way to us.

„Hey, me and my friends wanted to ask if yall wanna sit by us, we have a few seats left", she said, looking at Mattia the whole time.

„Sure, thank you", Mattia said. So we followed the girl to a table were 4 other girls sat, all looking at Mattia.I already dont like them. They asked Mattia so many questions omg. And when Mattia ordered they all ordered the same as he did, like wtf is wrong with them? I stopped looking at Mattia and the girls when I got a textmessage.

Alejandro: are u okay?

Kairi:  sure why?

Alejandro: because you look at the girls like you wanna kill them

Kairi: I just dont like them, thats all

Alejandro: you sure youre not jealous?

I blushed and looked at Alejandro in shock. He just grinned at me.

Alejandro: omg you are

As I was about to type back, Alvaro looked over my shoulder, so I quickly put my phone away, but he already saw who I wrote with.

„Are you seriously writing each other when yall sit on the same table?", Alvaro said confused. That made Mattia look at me, raising his eyebrows.

„Everythings alright?", he asked and looked at me. I didnt answer and looked away, I was a bit pissed at him, even if he didnt do anything. I saw him looking at Alejandro, confused why I acted like that. Alejandro just shrugged.
The whole evening I didnt talk to Mattia and avoided him. When we were about to go, I saw the girls giving Mattia their number, so I quickly got out. I waited for the others outside, but only Mattia came out.

„Kairi can we talk?"

„Where are the others?", I asked not looking at him.

„They are waiting inside because I wanted to talk to you"

As I was about to go inside to the others Mattia hold me by my wrist and turned me around to him.

„Did I do something?"

I didnt answer.

„Kairi, please talk to me"

I still didnt answer but now I looked him at the eyes. I felt my eyes filling with water.

‚No Kairi you wont cry now, not in front of him', I thought to myself.

„Is it because of the girls?",he asked and I felt a tear running down my face. Fuck.

„Oh my god it is", he said, seeing my tear.

„Listen Kairi, there are so many girls out there who like you. I mean look at you, youre cute, pretty and clever, who wouldnt like you? And just because these girls were little bitches doesnt mean every girl is."

I felt another tear running down my cheek.

„You dont understand Mattia", I said sobbing.

„Then tell me", he yelled at me.

„I dont want them", at this point he just looked at me confused.


„I want you", I mumbled. His eyes widened and he looked at me shooked.

„But its not like you would care, because you can have every girl on this planet and youre so perfect and.."

He interruped me by smashing his lips on mine. At first I was shocked but then I kissed him back. His lips were soft and it felt like his lips were made for mine.

„I want you too", he said when we pulled away.

Requested by @mattiasbbykai💗💗 I hope you like it(even if I dont really feel like its good but I will do another mattiaxkairi and hopefully it turns better out than this one)

Also go check out e-winds book, its so good, and she also did my cover so thanks again💗

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