Back She Goes

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What kind of husband would hurt his poor wife?
A crook? A swindler? What is this sin?
The foul bitterness of blood filled her room.
Silent screams succumb to the void darkness.

Constant beeping, clean white walls, pristine beds.
All too familiar but back she goes,
Back she goes like a salmon to its home,
Again and again. Back to him she went.

Finally she left, escaped his cruelty,
His abuse, his accusations, his shouts.
Her scars on display, for the world to see.
She felt displaced. All alone in this world

He really wanted her. what did he do?
He murdered her, in cold blood... in her blood.

I wrote this poem in class and we had to pick something to write that angers or saddens you, so I picked Violence Against Women.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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