My girlfriend's ghost (lesbian story)

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I know i have another book, keep reading and vote it up(: tell me what you think. It may take a while to update each thing until the show that im in is over. So a couple weeks guys


Kara Marie Jones: I'm Kara, I was a sophomore in high school, until I jumped off that cliff...I was very depressed and was made fun of everyday for being a lesbian, my family never cared about me, they were all homophobes and they had disowned me. I didn't have many friends except Ashley and Jake. They were the only two who cared about me, and I hate how much I hurt them, mainly Ashley I loved her so much, I still do, she doesn't know I follow her around because no one can see me. Okay I think I am done talking, Ashley is getting out of School now, byes...oh yah I'm also 16 years old.

Ashley Lee Williams : Hey, Im Ashley, I like to be called Ash but only by Kara...if she were still here ): I'm a sophomore in High school, 16 years young and hang out with my only other friend Jake. Since Kara left things have just gone downhill for me, I started getting into alcohol and cutting myself. Jake knows about the alcohol but not cutting myself, he would flip out if he knew. I never got tell Kara how much I loved her, I cried everyday after the funeral and still do. Well, I got to go, bye.

Jake Charles Wayne: Hey, my names Jake, as if you didn't know, 16 years old I have or had the two greatest friends in the whole world, Kara and Ashley, but Kara is gone and we all miss her, especially Ashley, she has told me how much she loved her. It's sad that she never got to tell her. Now all we have is each other and me having Carter. Well got to go find Ashley, only the Goddess know where she ran off to.

Carter Max Sanders: Hi, I'm Carter, I'm really shy and small. I am 16 years old and I am a junior, i skipped a grade cause Im really smart, I am Jake's boyfriend and have been for 3 years, it was sad that his friend jumped off the cliff, i really wanted to get to know her. Well, Bye.

Chapter 1

Kara's P.O.V.

I was walking next to Ashley watching her carefully, I wanted so bad to just reach out and hold her hand. but I can't feel, I can touch, i just can't feel. She was crying again and I knew why, this was day I jumped off that cliff 2 years ago. We walked through the gates of the old cemetery, we kept walking until we came to a stop in front of a small grave stone. Ashley fell to her knees and cried in her hands, it was mine, she had done this everyday since my funeral, but today it was different.

"Why did you have to leave me, I need you so bad."

She always confessed things here, things I knew she wouldn't tell Jake or anyone else.

"I started cutting," she said quietly, i sat beside her and longed to comfort her.

"It's just the pain of you being gone, I don't know what to do anymore, it was like you were my lighthouse and I a ship lost and drifting out at sea, you brought me to the shore, but when you left the light went out and I was forever lost again." She was always saying analogies, for some reason she loved them, and I did to. I liked hearing anything she had to say. She kissed her hand and put it to my stone, she got up and took one more look. "I'll visit again tomorrow. I promise." she turned away and started walking again, it was spring, but we had been having some late winter weather, so the roads were slippery and it would be dark soon. I followed her back to her house, we were a few blocks away when a car came towards us. It hit a patch of black ice and came towards Ashley. I screamed when the car hit her, her blood was everywhere. Luckily, an Ambulance was passing at the same time, they got her in and sped away, I followed them to the hospital, and they called her parents, of course no body was home, but Jake was always referenced as an emergency contact, ever since i died, he came as soon as he could. I stayed with him so I could hear what the doctor told him.

My girlfriend's ghost (lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now