She craved adventure that came from movies and books, she craved adrenaline, heartbreak- she craved life. She had become unsettled with the leisurely life on the ranch. She needed more and as she held Captain America's hand, she felt as though that adventure was just beginning.

"Well, not that that's settled, how about a drink?" Tony smirked, his hands waving us all over to the bar.

"A drink sounds good," she admitted, looking down at the disheveled clothing that she hadn't bothered to change since her time in the woods. They were covered with bits and pieces of leaves and her knees were damp from the forest moss. "What's the strongest you have?"

Thor's laugh boomed yet again as he threw on his crimson cloak. "While a drink sounds divine, Loki and I should really be heading back to Asgard, I fear we have stayed in Midgard far too long."

"Really? So, as soon as I show up you have to head out?" Artemis teased, using her naturally sultry voice as she batted her eyelashes at him.

Artemis was a master at manipulating men- one skill that Natasha was sure to show her- and since she was a master of deductions, she always knew exactly what to do and say.

She really had absolutely no interest in Thor but what she really wanted was to spend some time with the team as a whole and everyone else seemed really eager to keep him there.

She tuned out all the pleas everyone was giving him to stay as her eyes, for some reason, wandered back to Loki.

She didn't quite understand why she kept being compelled to glance back. She knew that the restraints on his hands were keeping the majority of his magic at bay, but she kept feeling like eyes were boring into her head and every time she glanced back, she was right.

It was a disgusting feeling to be regarded- watched- like prey.

She was a predator.

"Artemis!" Tony's voice rang in her ears as she sheepishly smiled at him.

"What?" She questioned, shaking the thoughts of Loki out of her head.

"Thor decided to stay a while longer," Steve said, handing her a glass of scotch. "Looks like you managed to convince him. I also might have told him that with a new member of the team, he needs to be here to evaluate your skills and help you train."

"I'm sure of it," she mumbled, bringing the glass to her lips as she watched Thor admire her with his eyes- it was a look she was familiar with, recalling the times she would go into the city and she would get catcalls and whistles. She was sure that women threw themselves at Thor whenever they got the chance.

Artemis was not most women.

"What about that little snake in the corner?" She asked, gesturing to Loki.

Clint basically choked on his drink as his eyes glanced at her. "Tony's got a cell specifically designed for him. We'll round up a couple of us to take turns checking on him every now and then. He'll be fine."

"I want to help," she blurted out before she had a chance to comprehend her words. Artemis had never really been around anyone remotely threatening. The most terrifying beast she had ever faced was a mountain lion and even he wasn't too difficult to take down. She wondered whether or not she was prepared to really put herself in the position to guard the person who had controlled her uncle and basically taken down half of New York City.

However, she had unwavering confidence in herself and pride was a deadly sin.

Clint and Natasha shot their eyes toward her, obviously, both of them weren't too thrilled with the idea of their precious little girl being anywhere near Loki.

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