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Scarlett's P.O.V

"Come on Dani, it's not that serious! We will just get a couple of beers for the party!" I whined
"Scar!No!" Dani exclaimed slamming her locker
"Look I know a guy who would even go get them! Plus your parents have a liquor closet!!"
"Scar...calm down. Your parents also have a liquor closet and I don't see you raiding it. Oh-THATS why- they keep it locked because you've broken into it so much! Look...I'm not like you ok,? I don't like disobeying my parents they have things I'm not allowed to mess with for reasons and reasons which I trust. Plus I'm not the biggest fan of underage drinking." Dani said shyly
Goody two shoes b!tch! What she thinks she so good because she's still a virgin. Ugh! what a brat! I mean her company is nice her naivety is nice. She's alright I guess. Her innocence is so annoying! Like come on! Nobody is THAT innocent I'm determined to out her of those nasty little secrets she's keeping or corrupt her. Ooooh goody look Dom...mmh those jeans fit him just right! I know how to get this party going!!!
"But Daniiiiii!!!! I whined "ooooh!Dani!!!look Dom!" I said watching her daze out so I nudged her side "What do you think Dom would think??

Dani's P.O.V
Ugh!Whats her issue? At this point I've just zoned her out what's the point in listening to her drone on and on about wanting to get drunk and destroy my house...again.
"—Dom think?" Scar asked
Wait what about Dom?
"You little brat!"she chuckled" you totally zoned me out!"
"Okay, yea I zoned out a bit. I'm just tired. Long night you know?" I said changing the subject
"Thinking about Dom,huh" Scar teased
"What about me?" Dom asked leaning against the lockers behind Scar
Oh god. Did he wink at me?! Oh my I love his eyes they're so deep it's like he's staring into my soul.
"Yea that'd be legit. Make it real fun" Dom said
Did he just wink again. Oh god I'm melting. Wait what in the hell did I miss? I gotta fake a yawn/stretch to catch up and have a valid excuse!!!
" oh my" I yawned and stretching my arms "I'm sorry guys I zoned out not getting much sleep lately"
Scar snorted and looked at Dom as he chucked as he walked towards me, throwing his arm around me.
Oh god he's so warm!
"Hmmmmm, what do you say we go get some coffee and we wake you up a bit and we talk about tonight, my treat" Dom said dragging me off with him down the hall
Is he flirting should I flirt back?
I couldn't really muster to say anything without stuttering like a fool. So I decided not to say anything.
"How'd you get to school" he asked stopping by a tree leaning closer to me
Oh god. It's so very hot outside right now. Wait is it hot or is it just me??Oh no! Am I blushing?Why's he smiling at me like that. Oh his smile is so dreamy and he's so close!!
He chuckled at my obvious shyness and brushed a piece of my hair behinds my ear does he like my hair better up? I should probably start wearing it up! "So how did you get here?" He asked leaning in closer oh my word...I can smell his's beautiful!
I managed to stutter out "B-b-bus. My car is in the sh-sh-shop."
He smiled at me and grabbed my hand he's holding my hand! "You're so cute when you're flustered. Come on, I'll give u a ride to the coffee shop. Everyone else can catch up. I already told the guys. They're down."
"How'd you know I'd even wanna get coffee?" Stunning myself with my sudden courage
"Oh, come on everyone knows you live for coffee. It's the one thing you can never say no to." He said smirking devilishly
It's so hot again. I didn't think he paid that much attention to me!
I looked over to Scar smiling, why is she glaring at me what'd I do??Ugh why is she being such a brat today?! She won't ruin this for me! Awww! He's holding the door open for me!
"Mi'lady" he said taking a bow while holding the door. I blushed feverishly and slid into his car as he shut the door and ran to the other side.

I know this is taking a while I'm sorry. It's taking a min to get good. Sorry for the short chapter!!still tryna figure out the works or everything wattpad. Got scared if I saved to draft everything would be erased if I didn't publish it instead!

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