Bonfire night

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Half an hour late, Tiffany and Justin arrive at the park. November 5th to see the firework display at the furthest park away from Greenock. It took 3 buses and just under 2 hours but it would all be worth it if they could spend a night being by themselves in public.
Gripping his bare hand in her gloved one, she smiles up at him. Feeling elated that she can do that without having to look out for anybody. Justin bumps his shoulder against hers and smiles back. "What're you smiling at, Tiff? It's only a few fireworks." He smirks as her smile grows.
"Yeah," She agrees, wondering how something as small as holding a hand in public could make her so happy. "But I'm here with you."
"I know," the older boy mumbles as he leans down to kiss her cheek, "I make everything better. It's nice to be able to show you off, though."
"You're right, you do make everything better, but no, you're wrong. I'm showing you off."
Justin lets go of her hand and swings his arm around the small girls shoulders. "No, I'm showing you off."
"Um, hello, earth to Justin? Do you not see all the girls that flirt with you at school?"
"Girls flirt with me cause they don't know I'm with you, if we could just tell people-"
"So you DO notice?" Tiffany interrupts. That's not a conversation she wants to have tonight. Sensing the tension Justin pulls her to him, not really feeling anything but clothing, but it makes his spirits rise higher anyway.
"If a girl is flirting with me, I know it. But since I've been dating you, its all become monotone. Pointless." He smiles at her, almost shyly and she scoffs at him.
"How do you always know the right thing to say? It's not really fair, you know." This time, Justin smirks and Tiffany can feel his ego inflate.
A while later, once they've got their bearings and know when the firework show starts, they walk around the lake in the middle of the park, hand in hand.
Tiff smiles up at the boy she's fast falling for and runs her fingers over his knuckles to pull him out of his thoughts. Justin looks at her automatically. "I like this, I really, really like this. Just being with you and not having to look over my shoulder to do this..." She trails off as she leans over, kisses his jaw then his cheek. His eyes close softly and he hums his approval. She giggles and blushes. The older boys eyes open at the younger girls giggle and he narrows his eyes.
"You can't do that, then laugh." He points out, like its law.
"Can," she mumbles childishly. "But my point is, all the sneaking around is fine, its just nice not to worry about getting caught." Justin nods, knowing exactly what she's saying and how she feels.
They're reaching the edge of the lake, back to the beginning. He can see them lighting the bonfire in the background and he gets an idea. He has to approach it right, though. Justin kisses her head "Hey, Tiff?" She mumbles a reply and he takes that as a good sign. "Let me take a picture, I wanna remember this."
Tiffany sighs, wanting to bury her face in her hands. "Its too risky, what if someone finds it?" Couldn't she have one night off with her boyfriend, not worrying that they're related?
"Not of us. Of you."
"Just of me?"
"Just of you. Smiling and happy and with the stars as your background."
She couldn't stop the stupid smile spreading across her lips, even if she wanted to. "You're supposed to be a bad boy."
"I'm taking a night off." Tiffany laughs and he catches the moment just as the bonfire ignites in the background. Making her look angelic. She smiles as her boyfriend hands her the phone. She quickly switches the camera to the front and kisses his cheek, snapping the picture. She fiddles and edits for a moment until the picture shows nothing but her silhouette.
"I want a hot dog." The leather-clad boy announces suddenly.
The red-head laughs. "Then that's what we'll have."
"Cool." He accepts as he pulls her towards the stand. "Make or break time. Ketchup or mustard?"
"Not one of the options."
"But its what I like."
Justin mulls over the answer for a few seconds, "Okay, you can stay."
"You had me worried." She jokes.
"Keeping you on your toes."
"Can't you just carry me?"
"Where's the fun in that?"
"I get to be swept off my feet?"
"I ain't sweeping anything."
"That's what you think." Tiffany mumbles as they reach the food stand and she leans towards a menu hung on the side of the van.
"Have whatever you want, babe. My treat."
Tiffany nods as he only glances at the menu. "Cheesy chips, please." She announces much like he did earlier.
"Is that all? D'you want drink?"
"What're you having?"
Justin answers without missing a beat. "Hot dog and hot chocolate."
"Get a large, then, and I'll share." She smiles, turning to face a serious Justin.
"I don't share."
The petite girl chuckles, "You do now." They stare at each other for a moment, but Justin's always been wrapped around her little finger and he looses.
"Back in a bit." He states as he leaves. "Alright."
Out the corner of her eye she notices a man with a camera staring at her. He approaches and she debates running to find Justin. But that's stupid. She had a life before him and there are people all around. Tiffany takes a quick note on what he looks like, just in case. Bold. Ginger beard. Green eyes. Mid-30's. Black coat. She feels secure enough to let him stand next to her when she places Justin in the distance. "I'm sorry for staring." He apologises. "But, you two make an adorable couple." Tiffany doesn't say anything for a while, to taken back. "Um, thanks." He carries on like she didn't speak. "I'm a photographer." He lifts the camera hanging round his neck. "And I was wondering if I could just take a few pictures? Its just so unusual to see a young couple so in love." Again, she's pushed to silence. Her and Justin aren't- her thoughts stop.
"I'm sorry, we're just not comfortable having our picture taken."
The man presses on, "You won't even know I'm there. Look, if you're uncomfortable with your body. You shouldn't be, you're a little small, but yo-"
She cuts him off, her anger rising. "I'm perfectly fine in my own body. I just don't like having my photo taken."
"Your face doesn't even need to be in it." Tiffany folds her arms and the photographer sighs, accepting defeat. "Okay, fine. But call me if you change your mind." He hands her a card and walks off as Justin walks back over.
"You alright, babe?" He asks, handing her her chips and glaring at the photographer. Tiffany smiles at Justin's protectiveness, feeling weirdly confident. "Fine, you'll never guess what just happened, though." She recites the story as they eat. Once she's finished Justin nods.
"Well, I like the idea. I know you're gonna say it's impulsive. But I do like the idea. He said he won't include our faces and maybe we could get him to email them all to us first before he publishes any, so we can make sure we're not recognisable." Tiff thinks this over and eventually they're talking to the photographer. He agrees to their terms and
90 minutes after they arrived the fireworks begin. He's standing behind her, arms wrapped around her small frame to keep her warm. Leaning back into him, she feels more contented than she ever has in her life. Her mind drifts back to what the photographer said earlier. A young couple so in love. She's certain now. She positive. But she's not sure he's ready. Would they be risking everything they are if they weren't? She looks up at him and he looks down at her and they know what they're thinking. They don't even need to say it. They both know. Her heart explodes like the fireworks above their heads. Except, its not her heart anymore. But thats okay, she's got a perfect replacement.
//Because you guys loved it so much, I will be updating dead sexy, but this is a one-shot. Let me know what you think and if you have any requests :) (PS, thanks to leosbaby13 for persuading me to make Wattpad, she's awesome!)

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