The Affair (A one-shot)

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Year 1957:

Peggy Carter-Rogers makes her way through her kitchen and tries to make her son, Grant, a plate of breakfast. Her husband, Steve Rogers, has already left for work. Both Peggy and Steve work with the SSR, but Steve does more commercial work with the government.

"Alright, Grant, here you go." She places the plate in front of her son.

"Ew, this is gross! Mom you're a woman, shouldn't you cook better than this?"

"Grant Stephen Rogers! You don't say things like that! Not all woman have the gift of being talented in the kitchen. Now eat what I gave you or you go to school without. Now choose." Peggy says, frustrated.

"Whatever." He gets down from his chair and leaves. 'How this child can be so ungrateful and sexist at his age is beyond me' She thinks. 'Then again, that's how Steve is. Like Father like son I suppose.' Peggy grabs her folders and heads to the SSR office.

"Hey there she is! I was just talking about you." Steve comes up to Peggy and grabs her ass and tries to kiss her lips. She shoves him back and steps on his toes.

"Don't ever do that again" She storms off to her desk and gets to work.

"You let your wife talk to you like that, Rogers? If she were mine, I'd show her who the real boss is." Agent Caldwell says as he makes an explicit gesture.

"No, its okay. She already knows who's in charge in our marriage, especially in the bed." He laughs with the other Agents and walks to his office. Peggy roles her eyes and continues to look at her paper.

An hour later, after her bathroom break, she notices a slip of paper on her desk. Looking around for any sign of the writer she sees none, so she looks down and reads the note. Meet my in the file room at lunch -DS. It takes all of her strength not to smile like a little schoolgirl. Daniel Sousa, one of her colleagues and her best friend, has seen the way Steve Rogers treats her, and he's tried to speak up, but he's always put down. Everyone at the office looks down on him because of his disability, but to Peggy its not that; to her it's a symbol of bravery, hard work, and sacrifice. He smiled the brightest smile that day when she told him. Now they're meeting in the filing room again, the only place they can have a conversation in peace.

"Hey." He says as he looks up from a file.

"Hello." She replies. He sets down the file and opens her arms. She laughs and throws her arms around him. "Thank you" She buries her head in his neck and he holds her for a few more seconds.

"What are friends for?" She laughs and shoves him lightly. For years Daniel has been her shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen to as she's spent her entire married life in hell.

"What's this for?" He explains the case Agent Thompson and Rogers had been appointed-they both were leaving town for a couple of weeks. "He didn't tell me..."

"Tell you what? That he was leaving?" She nods her head and looks at the ground.

"Peg, are you okay?" Before she can say anything, Steve walks down the stairs.

"Am I interrupting something?" He crosses his arms and puffs his chest defensively. Peggy rolls her eyes and walks away. Steve grabs her arm and stops her. "I asked a question, Peg. You're just gonna ignore me? Seriously?" Peggy yanks her arm away and stands straight.

"I was filing away reports. You know, my job? Or do I no longer work here?" She stomps away and goes back to her desk. Steve follows her.

"What's your problem?"

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