Chapter 29

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"Waaalllll!! "Jungkook screamed while jumping up and down excitedly. "Bae the right word is M-A-L-L." Taehyung said while pinching Jungkook's cheeks. "Wall?" The little said while tilting his head in confusion. But Taehyung just laughing at his baby cute action. Its okay bub. "Now let's gi. Don't you want to dye your hair sweetheart?" Taehyung asked while holding his hand with Jungkook.

"Yesh dada! Dada two rwight?" The little asked. "Of course sweetheart."Taehyung said. "Hyung, Im going to go to Saloin with my baby so if you need anyhing just call me ok?' Taehyung said getting nods from his hyungs. "If you finish your things come to first floor at the clothes section. We will be there." Jimin said.

Taehyung nooded and waved his hand to his hyungs.With that Taehyung leaded themselves to the second floor where there was variety of Saloon. After looking at some shops, Taehyung decide to get in a shop name Liz Beauty.


They stepped inside the shop and looked around hope to find someone. Luckily, there's a female worker that just came out from the staff room. The worker quickly went to them both and greet them.Hello there! Welcome to Liz Beauty Saloon! My name is Irene and how an I help you both?

Well hello to you too. baby and I would like to dye our head. Taehyung said hesitantly cause he doesn't know what to call Jungkook. Oh sure! Have a sit and I will get ready all the things. The worker said. Sure. Taehyung said and grabbed Jungkook and put him on a seat. After that he sat beside him.


Dada where ish that gwirl? Kookie cannot wait anymwore! The little asked. Calm down honey. Taehyung said. Fortunately after he said that, the worker came back with some tools. Sir, what hair colour do you want? The worker asked. colour for both of us please. Taehyung said while giving the worker a smile.

Sure. Who wanna start first? The worker asked while grabbing the red colour bottle. Mwe fwirst pwease! Jungkook said excitedly earning some giggles from Taehyung and the worker. Then Jungkook were brought to other side of yhe saloon ehere there are a hair washer. (Sorry I doesn't know how to say it 😅)The worker then started to wash Jungkook's hair.

Hahhaha daddy its sooo ticklewish!! The little laughed. Taehyung only can laughed back at his baby. After the washing thing is done, the worker lead them to the dye section. And of course all of the time the little was squealing happily becaus of his hair was changing its colour.

20 minutes passed and finally Jungkook had finished. Now its Tae's turn. Taehyung of course dye his hair same as Jungkook. (#Couplegoalsguyss😁) The worker did the last touch onto Tae's hair and started up clean up the mess. Taehyung got up from his seat and run his hand through his hair.

Dada wu lwook soo hwandshome! The little squaled while clapping his small hand. Thank you babyboy. Taehyung said while holding the little up and kissed his nose. Let's go baby. The others must waiting for us. Taehyung said and went to the counter to pay. After that they went to first floor to the clothes department to meet their hyungs.


Hyung! Taehyung shouted to Jin gaining his attention. Oh Taehyung! OMO you guys have same hair colour! Uwuuuu!! Jin cooed. Kookie wook so pwetty rwight? Jungkook asked. Of course honey you look fab- Jin's being interrupted by somebody who shouting rowards them like they was high on the Everest Moutain.

~ Wassup readers! Ik this chapter sucks but I have not single idea on my brain😶 Its look like my imagination of BTS already vanished😂

~ Btw Im having my new account soon. Do you guys have any idea of what type story do you want? No smut plzz..I cannot do that😣 but if you want some pervert chapter OFC i do it😁

Soooooo vote and comment plz✨✨✨

Oh yeah I doesn't put " mark cuz im lazy 😂

Daddy Little BabyboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora