Chapter 2

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Boar Hat Tavern above ⬆️

• Short, blonde-haired male •

As I enter the village, I saw a lot of groups of people surrounding something.
'What's going on?' I thought, the necklace shimmers, but I do not catch it at the right time. When I look down at my necklace for a while, nothing is happening, I look back at them, and I swarm through the crowd. Despite my curiosity, I still ongoing til I see some men and one kid holding on the rope which ties around the handle of the sword. The lightning-sparked flows from the sword.
'Don't tell me..they had a fight with a holy knight..who's going to pull the sword? It's not going to be me. Since I don't want to show my powers.' I thought, I keep watching them pulled the rope while the men and one kid grunted. Till I have enough of them and walk up to the sword. Only to stop, I see two knights laughing at them cause me to shrug off, and I grip the sword very hard with one single hand. The sword easily comes out from the ground, I release the sword making the clanging noise when contacting the ground.

I examine their faces; the rope still ties on the handle, everyone has shockingly expressions. I yawn on the purpose. One of the knights speak:

"O-Only a holy knight can pull the sword."
"H-how did she?"

'Lucky, nobody going to see my true form...'

I calmly whistled; begin to walk back to my house til..a villager stops me from my track.
"How can we pay for you?!"



"Fruits, vegetables, and herbs, please?"

Then he nodded and went back to the people as he speaks to them:

"We will reward her with fruits, vegetables, and herbs!"

'I guess, he's the leader of the village..wait, it's Vanya village? Yep, it is.' I thought, I lost my thoughts after the people gather numerous foods for me. Til a silver-haired female walks up to me, I stare at her when she came closer.

"Y-you're amazing."
I false a smile at her and say:

"U-um, are you one of the Seven Deadly Sins?"

'One of..what?' I thought, she smiles and blushes at the same time. She looks behind her, I look too, and I see a short, blonde-haired male staring at us and send a wave at her. She faces me and the male winks straight at me.
'Oh, do not tell me that he's interested in me..' I thought, I secretly observe him and make a conclusion inside my brain.

'Of course..a womanizer, pervert, and..wait, let me check...' I thought, I see copious details above him.

I wide my eyes, and whisper his name out loud.

"Oh, you know him."
She drags my hand and travels over to Meliodas who patiently waited for us.
"Took you long!"
He grins, but a villager taps on my shoulder causing me to turn around. She handed me the bag which I grab it and say 'thank you' to her.
"Your welcome."
She walks off.
"Meliodas, is she one of the Seven Deadly Sins?"
"No, Elizabeth, but she can come along with us."
"I-I am sorry! I thought you are one of the Seven Deadly Sins..since you do not answer my question, and you knew Meliodas' name."

"It's alright. Sorry, but I have to refuse your invitation." I apolopyizely spoke to them, Elizabeth looks down with the sad eyes while Meliodas just grins even more.

"Lady! Just come along with us!"


When I found the source of someone or..being talking.

I shockingly stare at the..being which is a pig with a clover-like shaped on the rump.
"Are you coming or what?"
I involuntarily nod at the pig, Elizabeth immediately smiles as Meliodas chuckles.

'What have I done..?' I thought. Then importance comes right in my brain. I transport when they blink their eyes altogether.

"Where did she go?!"

I reappear in front of my door and join inside my house, putting the bag on the countertop. And begin to pack my few objects and foods, in an hour, I was finished. Then I remember his name, again.

"Meliodas..Seven Deadly Sins..he's one of them..." I spoke, I shut my bag's opening and transport outside of tavern who 'Meliodas' owned.
"And of course, he owned a tavern." I whispered, I view the sign beside the door.

"Boar Hat..."

Published: December 8, 2019

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