the water tank

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a/n: this is actually based on a dream
i had a while ago!



the whole party had gathered around in the wheeler's basement, trying to figure out how to find heather. they actually had a pretty good plan, but mike wasn't very happy about it.

"you guys can't just use el every time!" he said very irritated. el looked at him from across the couch.

"mike, calm down. nothing's going to happen." max soothed him.

"you don't know that! anything can happen if she's doing that! it's dangerous!"

the party, well everyone except mike, had planned to get el into a tiny water tank and see if she could find heather in there.

el stood up and walked over to mike who sat on the armchair. she sat down infront of him and took hold of his hand.

"mike. i need to find heather. we need to know where she is." she rubbed her thumb over his knuckles in a calming way.

"i know but.. it's dangerous el. playing with your brain like that can make things even worse." he looked down at her.

she sighed and took a deep breath. she haven't thought about that. it is dangerous but, she need to find heather.

"i promise nothing will happen to me, alright?" she looked him deep in the eyes.

it took him a while until he nodded and said "alright." el smiled at him and turned around. oh. right. the others were here.

she gave them a nervous smile and sat down on the couch again.

"are we doing this or?" dustin asked and looked at mike.

"yeah.. let's go."

they all walked outside of the basement and began to walk to the place they had planned. mike walked over to el who walked beside max.

"hey um, el?" she looked at him and gave him a smile. max walked away to give them some privacy.

"whats up?" she asked and intertwined their fingers. he looked down at their hands and smiled for a bit until he spoke up

"i just wanna let you know that i'm gonna be there the whole time. if something gets scary, just say my name or whatever. i just don't want you to get hurt you know.." he lowered his head and tried to avoid eye contact with her.

she sighed. "i promise i will, but you don't need to worry. really." she took his hand up to her mouth and kissed it softly just to bring back his attention to her.

he looked back down at her again. welp. it worked. that's good, she thought.

"hey guys! hurry up, we don't have the whole day!" lucas yelled while holding max's hand. the pair walked faster up to their friends and continued to talk.

they had walked for a while now and it had begun to get darker.

"are we sure this will even work?" will asked.

"well, i'm not 100% sure but el has done it multiple times before. we just have to be quiet and let her concentrate." max answered him and he nodded.

now after a very long time of walking, they were finally at their destination. a kind of a bunker.

"alright, here it is." said dustin and put his hands on his waist.

everyone looked at the bunker and the same question spinned around in their heads. why a bunker? the question did not last for very long until lucas spoke up

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