Rolander Oneshot WIP

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"Roland you need to heal!" Leander screamed, Roland shooting him a glance only after rolling out of the way of an attack. Roland took a while to get up though. He stayed on his hands and knees, taking deep breaths. Roland looked up at the blonde against the battle field, Leaner still being able to see the fire and determination in his eyes even from the distance he was at. Roland grunted, forcing himself to stand up, his ponytail dropping over his shoulder. "I can't! We don't have that m- many anymore! We need to save them!" Roland yelled through breaths, snapping his head suddenly when he heard Evan yelp. Evan was on the ground after being knocked back, looking up at the enemy. Roland grabbed out his gun, shooting a few fires at the Porc to stun him for a few seconds so he could run over, pulling his sword out. He let out a yell, slashing the Porc's stomach, the creature wailing, ending with a growl. Leander huffed, running over and helping Evan up. "Roland at least let me use a spell to heal-"
"Use your magic on defeating this thing!" Roland shouting, shooting a look over his shoulder for barely a second. Roland took another slash, grinning at the damage he had done. "See. I can handle myself." Roland said cockily, turning back to Leander to show the grin. Leander frowned, fixing his glasses before his eyes suddenly widened, his eyes switching between the Porc and Roland. "Roland- watch out!" Evan called out, trying to take a step forward while Leander still subconsciously held him back. Roland stiffened at Evan's yell, quickly turning back to the angry creature. The Porc growled, swinging its sword at Roland, slicing through the fabric of his coat easily, the crimson slowly beginning to leak out. Roland let out a small wisp, a shadow of a yell as he fell back, his eyes closing and his sword falling from his hands, ending at Evan's feet. Evan choked out a sob, flashed of Nela coming back. "Roland no!" Evan yelled, frantically looking up at Leander. "We- we have to leave! We have to get him back to town!" Evan said between cries, tugging at Leander's jacket. Leander didn't look at him, he kept his concerned gaze on Roland. He could barely see his chest moving up and down, but at least he was breathing. "Evan. Can you finish the Porc off? It's almost dead, just a few spells. Can you do that?" Leander fixed his glasses, staring into Evan's teary eyes. Evan sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes before furrowing his brow, nodding and turning to the creature that almost finished his friend.

Leander rushed to Roland, dragging him away from the fight, trying to calm his own breathing. He needed to save Roland, now. He looked around, cursing himself under his breath before ripping the bottom of his white button up. Luckily the wound wasn't too big, but it was still fatal with all of the other injuring Roland had obtained. Leander shakily pressed the fabric to the wound, letting it soak up. Leander looked up at Roland's face. God- for the situation they were in he looked peaceful, almost as if he was sleeping. Leander's eyes widened, if he was fainted it would be more likely for Roland to... pass. Leander brushed some hair from his face, mindlessly cupping his cheek. "Oh goodness, Roland... please be okay. Evan needs you. Tani needs you. As much as I hate to admit it," Leander frowned, almost getting frustrated, "I need you, Roland..." Leander muttered, taking his shirt fabric back, examining the wound. "Leander! Leander I did it!" Leander looked up surprised, he'd almost forgotten about everything around. "I defeated the Porc! We have to get to town and help Roland!" Evan exclaimed worriedly, still with tears in his eyes. Leander's eyebrows furrowed as he nodded. He looked down at the noirette, picking him up bridal style. He adjusting the shorter man slightly, before turning to Evan. "Can you grab his sword?" Leander asked, looking around, trying to remember the exit/entrance. Evan nodded, scrambling to get the sword and quickly returning. Leander looked down at the small blonde king, giving a reassuring smile. "Alright. Let's go."

Roland hesitantly and groggily opened his eyes, being greeted with the ceiling. He moaned in pain a little, feeling a sharp burning in his chest. He could briefly remember the fight, he remembered Leander's scared eyes... Evan's shout. What after that, though? He closed his eyes, groaning and bring one hand up to rub his temple. Trying to remember was way too much of a headache for now. He paused for a second, realising he couldn't move one of his hands. He shuffled a little, noticing something had his arm in its grip. He instantly shuffled to lean up a little bit, still a little scared from the fight that he remembered, he winced from his chest pain, but his eyes widened. Leander was by his bedside, leaning on the bed. His head was in his arms, though one was outstretched, gently grabbing his arm. A smile tugged at his lips, looking at the blonde. He gently slid his hand up Leander's arm, slowly landing with Leander's palm atop of his. He moved both their arms slightly, intertwining their fingers. Roland let out a small sigh, repressing the urge to wince from the pain again. "Leander," Roland said, surprised that his voice was still strong, not just a little wisp. The blonde riled a little bit but didn't respond, still asleep. Roland smiled gently, using their intertwined hand to nudge the taller a little. "Hey, Leander," Roland said again with a clear voice, the blue eyes suddenly fluttering open. Leander yawned quietly, sitting up and fixing his glasses. Leander blinked blearily, offering a tired smile when it finally clicked. "Roland, you're awake..." Leander mumbled, Roland smiling gently. The smile quickly faulted though, tilting his head a little. "How long have I been out?" Roland asked, Leander sighing quietly. He looked away, humming quietly. "A few hours, I believe. I'd guess 5 or so hours." Leander said, avoiding looking at the noirette. Roland stared down at him, tilting his head to the other side, finally noticing his hair was out. He brushed his hair behind his shoulder, mindlessly squeezing Leander's hand, causing the blonde to realise their fingers were intertwined. Roland stared for a second before opening his mouth to talk but Leander quickly began to speak. "I've been with you the whole time. I... got so worried. The wound looked so bad... I couldn't leave you," Leander babbled, turning to Roland, clear sadness in his eyes, "I was so worried about losing you, Roland."

Roland offered a sad smile, brushing Leander's hair behind his ear with his free hand. "Hey. As long as I can control it, I'm not going anywhere. I've gotta keep an eye on Evan and Tani after all," Roland joked with a dry chuckle, hoping to get a smile from Leander.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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