What Was Left Unsaid

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As Bobby finished up his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, he headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat before he headed back to the bedroom to watch the TV. Initially he walked right past the dear note that Raven preciously left for him to find. As Bobby turned and found the note, he picked it up. As he picked it up and started reading it, tears began to swell in his eyes and trickle down his face. "H-h-how. How could he think that he needs to be any better? He is perfect and I could not change a thing about him..." As he finished reading the note, the realization struck him as if he was hit by oncoming traffic. They had been in a fight earlier in the week and this is what Raven was referring to. With tears in his eyes Bobby began to pick up the phone to call his husband and apologize for being so misunderstanding about the whole incident. 

The phone rang and rang but with no answer. This upset Bobby even more as he tried to call Raven again. After multiple attempts he gave up and wondered what to do. "P-pick up the phone dammit!" Bobby managed to get out through his tears. He slammed the phone down on the kitchen counter and headed to the bedroom to get dressed. After changing he picked up a picture of the two of them that was on the nightstand across the room where Bobby kept the first present Raven ever gave him. A custom engraved police issued pistol. 

Bobby slowly opened up the wooden case to view the pistol and got lost in the memory of what happened that day all those months ago.

"So uh... I got this for you Bobby." As Raven handed over the present Bobby slowly opened it up to reveal the pistol. "A pistol? I already have one on me..." "Yeah but you need it for personal protection... when you are not... on duty." Raven stuttered to say. Bobby knew this was a present that Raven had put much thought into as the pistol he gave him had Bobby engraved on one side of the handle and Raven on the other. Bobby loved it. "Thanks for the present Raven" Bobby said with a smirk, "Don't think of it as a present think of it as me wanting you to stay safe." Raven softly exclaimed.

As Bobby snapped back to attention he slowly put the gun in the case and closed the wooden lid. He sat the case back in the small nightstand across the room and picked up the picture of the two of them on the table next to the lamp that Raven had picked out. As Bobby picked up the picture he realized just how much more upset and guilty that made him feel.

"60... 70... 75... 95... 110" Raved read to himself as he sped down Senora Freeway on his way to Paleto. He never intended to head up that way but with the way he was feeling, he didn't know what to think or do anymore. As Raven revved the gas on the bike harder to gain more speed, an 18-wheeler that he was passing had a tire blowout and swerved to the left and into his lane, causing Raven to ram the bike into the side guard rail and fling him off  into opposite lanes of traffic resulting in him striking an all black super diamond head on. As his limp body fell to the side of the road his panic button went off and he slowly felt everything fade to black.

As Bobby paced around the house not knowing what to do, his thoughts just keep digging and prying at the back of his skull like a dull bullet. As he finally figured out a plan he frantically looked around the house for his keys still with tears in his eyes, he remembered he'd placed them in the dresser drawer in the bedroom and ran to grab them. Bobby weaved in and out of traffic as he rushed to MRPD. Once he saw Raven's car parked in front of MRPD his heart stopped racing so much and he started to calm down ever so slightly. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his sleeve as he got out and locked his door. As he walked through the front double doors of MRPD he made his way past the empty front desk to Ravens office, however the window curtains were shut, this confused Bobby as Raven always kept them open while he was in his office. Conveniently Copper unlocked and walked through the doors leading downstairs.

 "You are here too Bobby? I told Raven the same thing, Its your day off so why are you here? Woah woah, you don't look so good... everything okay Bobby? It looks like you have been crying... is this about the fight you two had?" Copper asked in a sympathetic tone.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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