Introduction and the Arguement

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Izuku looked around and saw that no one was saying anything. He decided to break the ice (pun intended.) "Hey, you might know me as permafrost, but call me Izuku Midoriya from know on." He said it with such a big smile it blinded everyone not smart enough to look away. Izuku was happy to be at his dream school with his friend. Then some kid in glasses came up and asked "What do you think your doing here villain!" Izuku just looked bored and said "I was going to ask you to thank your savior but seems you've got that covered." Iida did something that surprised the entire class that knew him. He kicked Izuku into the kitchen making him fall on the knives. Izuku was passed out in the real world, but his mind was very alive. He heard a strange voice say "Hey kid, look around you." He was looking until he saw a skeleton in a blue zip up hoodie and gray shorts. "Name's Sans, I have something to ask you." Izuku kept calm and said "What do you want." Sans answered pretty fast. "I've been trapped here since the day you were born, You have a heart of gold. I want you to take a small part of my powers, but you must use it for good." My powers will let you create white bones that do damage but don't hurt there body and blue bones that hurt the opponent if they move. You can create energy lasers, and last but not least you can control a persons heart. As in you can move them around using it. Will you accept or will you die from your body being impaled" Izuku thought and said "I'll do it if I can help others."
In the real world everyone was shocked except Bakugo that hit him with an explosion that could easily destroy glaciers. Iida was dumbfounded that he could defend someone on the most wanted list. Then they heard commotion in the kitchen. Everyone stood up to see something that could only be a miracle. Izuku was getting up and pulling the knives out only to see the wounds instantly heal. His right eye was glowing lime green and he looked perfectly fine. Iida ran at him only to be stopped and slammed into the ceiling. Everyone looked to see Izuku doing it. He then said "Beat it prick, I already have a headache so go run back home to mama. Cause the way I see it you attacked someone you didn't know before getting to know them or thinking it through. I'm in this dorm for a reason so put the pieces together!" Everyone was wide eyed. They didn't think. He was transferred to the hero course! His eye went back to normal and Iida fell to the floor. The look and see Midoriya starting to pass out. That means he would fall on the knives again. Momo made a frying pan to prevent it as Shoji carried him to his room. They opened it and saw two weapons they had never seen. A trident and scythe. They put him down to let him rest then go help Iida. All the girls thought he was cute but they wouldn't make a move until they knew him well. Everyone was waiting for there new friend to wake up until Jiro heard a guitar. An electric guitar as well. The girls were in there own group so they followed the sound. It was Izuku's room. He was singing but no one could tell what he was saying. The girls were in heaven. Not only could this guy sing he could also play guitar and was powerful. They thought there would be no better time to get to know him so they knocked on his door. They heard the guitar stop and Izuku open the door. He stared at them waiting until the pink one said "Let is introduce ourselves! I'm Mina my quirk is acid." A girl with a black ponytail stood up "I'm Momo, my quirk is creation as in I can create anything I know how to make." A brunette was next "I'm Ochako, my quirk lets me make things have zero gravity." A girl with green hair was next. "I'm Asui, but call me Tsu, my quirk gives me a frogs abilities" A girl with purple hair was next. "I'm Jiro, I have these earphone jacks attached to my earlobes." Last was a blonde girl similar to Momo minus that the girl was smaller so her areas stood out. "I'm Toru, my quirk is invisibility." Izuku then introduced himself "I'm Izuku, my quirks are boss battle and ice smith." As this left his mouth the girls were shocked. The new student had two quirks! Then Izuku said something that interested Toru. "Hey, Toru can I see what you look like when your invisible." This shocked the girls even more knowing that this guy could see Toru! "I'm always invisible, It's a mutation." "Well I assume you want to know what I see. I see a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a body similar to Momo's but since she's shorter they pop out more." Everyone there accept Izuku shocked being that they came up to hear that. A purple grape midget ran in and tried hitting Izuku in the stomach only to break his hand. Izuku lifted his shirt and showed a perfect eight pack and it made sense why Mineta had cracked his fist in two. All the boys starred at it besides one crying because of his manliness. The girls were having small nosebleeds and steam shooting out of there ears. Izuku being dense as ever didn't know what was going on. He just put his shirt down and walked to the kitchen to make himself some food. The boys looked at the girls and saw something that made them feel bad for Izuku. LUST! The boys stood there stopping them before they could throw him in someone's room.

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