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Two weeks had passed and I haven't had any run-ins with Deonte, but I always have a watchful eye because he knows how to get away with things. I had gotten a part in the school play so every IT period I've been in the theater practicing lines and songs. I had just finished a song when I heard slow clapping backstage, "I always loved your voice" I heard in the all familiar tone. "Well, you always made me sing for you, son of a bitch." I finally had enough courage to scrape out. "Now would you look at that. My little puppy finally found her own voice." He was taunting me in every way possible. "I have to go," I said while walking out. "But yet she still runs away when confronted." He grabbed my arm and whirled me around. "Let me go you piece of shit." I don't know where the confidence came from but I did something I'd always dreamed of doing, I slugged him square in the face and it left a nice mark too. "You're going to regret that, Puppy" he growled. He grabbed my hair and I screamed with pain, then slapped me across the face slamming me to the ground. He started to laugh like a maniac, "I will always overpower you my sweet, remember that." He picked me up and slammed me face-first into the wall. "I want to see if my love mark is still there. If not, I'll give you another" he searched my back for the cigarette burn he left 4 years ago. "Awww would you look at that, they are all still there." I could feel his finger tracing over all of my scars.  He then turned me around and grabbed my face. "The only bad thing is you can't see any of them. Let us fix that shall we."  His hands were as cold as his frozen heart, He took out the pocket knife that he always had on him.  I felt a sharp pain above my eye and the last thing I saw was his deep, heartless, black eyes before everything went black. "Night, Night my sweet." 

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