Ben laughed as he fell down from Joe's back, witnessing the terror in Joe's eyes. Joe's wolf advanced towards him while growling at him. Ben was quick in his actions as he ran towards a tree and climbed on top of it. The wolf stared at the boy, glaring at him which made Ben smile.

"Okay, I'm sorry for scaring you." Ben said, his hands held above, besides his head, showing his defeat. He slowly got down the tree as he watched Joe's wolf grunt slightly. He carefully raised one of his hand towards Joe, tenderly running it through his fur present on his head. Joe leaned into the touch, loving the attention he was getting from Ben.

Joe's wolf moved forward and sniffed Ben's half naked body, making sure the person touching him was Ben. Ben wanted to talk to Joe so he himself phased and a beautiful blond furred wolf appeared with piercing green eyes, slightly bigger than Joe's wolf as he was an alpha whereas Joe was an omega.

You scared the shit out of me.

Joe told Ben via their linked minds, who moved closer to Joe, rubbing his furry head over Joe's , trying to assure him that he was sorry for what he did.

I want to talk.

Ben said as he moved back, away from Joe and started moving towards a small clear space where both of them could relax. Joe immediately followed him, and noticed that there was a bag there.


Joe asked Ben who grunted, trying to 'hm'. Ben sat down in clearing, soon followed by Joe who plopped down, the light 4 o'clock sunrays making him relax to the maximum.

What's up?

Joe asked, laying his head between his fore legs, looking like an absolute big fluffy adorable dog who was basking in the soft sunrays, looking asleep. Ben couldn't help feeling flustered as he saw Joe so peaceful.

I-I think, no, I know that I really. . .like you.

Ben confessed and watched as Joe shot up from his peaceful position and stared right into Ben's piercing green eyes. His hazel ones trying to process the information received.

Thoughts of them being together and laughing at silly things when they were kids, surfaced his mind. The first time he phased and right after when the other one phased. When they ran around the field of sunflower, chasing each other and tumbling around.

Joe was shown an image of him when he first realised that maybe what he had for Ben was something more than friendship and Ben saw the same, the first time when he liked Joe.

Ben's mind showed him a picture where they are holding each others hand and staring at one another, a smile etched at both of their lips. Joe saw an image where he is kissing Ben and vice versa. They both saw images of them being at a restaurant, blushing as they held hands. They saw all of these romantic moments of them being together.Their eyes widened as they realized what had happend.

They imprinted, on each other.

Joe immediately phased, scared of what had just happened. He curled in on himself, hugging his legs close to his chest, processing those images he saw. He imprinted which meant that he was shown his and Ben's future, together.

Ben had phased as well, quickly going to the bag placed near them and pulled out clothes. He slid into them as quickly as possible and took out an extra shirt that he had, gently wrapping it around Joe's smaller frame. He turned around and sat down, crossing his legs, giving Joe a cue to put on the shirt.

He turned back around and saw Joe in his shirt, still feeling scared. Ben slowly moved towards him and gently pulled Joe closer to him.

"Why are you scared?" Ben asked and watched as Joe clutched onto his T-shirt, calming down slowly, his tense features swimmingly relaxing.

"I-I don't know." He said slowly and looked up at Ben, who gently smiled at him. Joe leaned forward, towards Ben's collar and took a whiff of his scent which relaxed him to a degree.

"I-I, I imprinted Ben, on you." Joe said as he stared in a distance. Ben hooked his index against Joe's chin, making him look up at him.

"Yeah, same. I imprinted on you as well." Ben said slowly, making Joe look up at him with slightly wide eyes.

"You did?"

"Yeah. Even I don't believe it but it happned." Ben stated as a matter of fact and Joe pulled him even closer. Ben smiled at the boy below him.

"But how? We are just 17." Joe asked Ben, almost whining as he questioned.

"Maybe the universe wanted us to start young." Ben said, his smile widening, making Joe blush.

"We should head home." Ben said.

"But, it's been like, what, 15 minutes?" Joe asked back, hoping to stay here longer with his recently discovered imprint.

"Dosen't matter Joe. I told you what I had to and I was rewarded. Now all I wanna do is go somewhere safe where no one will hurt us and cuddle." Ben said, leaning down and burying his face in Joe's hair, inhaling his sweet scent. Joe nodded and blushed as he felt Ben inhaling near his hair.

Joe was the first to phase, followed by Ben. They ran back to Joe's house and were welcomed by the delicious aroma of a meat being cooked.

Joe went to the window in the kitchen and stood there, startling his mother. She opened the window and looked at him, realizing that Joe needed clothes. She rushed to his room, grabbing random clothes and handed them to him through the window. Joe phased and changed and then rushed back to his room, grabbing Ben some clothes. After all the phasing and changing, they both entered his house.

"Didn't see you there, dear." Joe's mom said as she saw Ben.

"Mom, we have something to tell you."


"We both imprinted."

"That's wonderful! My sweet babies finally found someone." She said as she moved to them, giving them hugs.

"Mom, we imprinted on each other." Joe said shyly, just a little scared of her reaction. He them heard a small giggle and looked up at his mother.

"That calls for a feast." She said, a huge grin on her face, making them both smile as well.

"You are okay with it?" He asked again just to make sure.

"Of course I am. Do you know how close you two are? I always knew something like this would come up. I thought you would get together but imprinting, I am surprised but so happy." She said and went back to her cooking, glancing at them once in a while, smiling to herself.

They all ate and all of Joe's family memebers got to know the news too. Everyone accepted it happily. Joe and Ben, then went to his room and Joe immediately called Lucy. He told from A to Z, everything and she started freaking out. She started saying that she knew it and this was the most pure thing that could have ever happened.

Ben snatched the phone from Joe and abruptly hung up the call after mumbling a quick goodbye.

"What was that?" Joe asked kind of annoyed at Ben.

"She was keeping you from me." He mumbled after pulling Joe closer to him, his chest pressed up against Joe's back, and burying his face in the crook of Joe's neck. He wrapped his hands around his waist and left a small kiss at the nape of Joe's neck, securing Joe in between his legs.

Goosebumps rose on Joe's body as he felt the small kiss. He eventually relaxed in Ben's body, his eyelids becoming heavy as a wave of comfort washed over him.

"I'm sleeping." Joe mumbled as he curled in on himself, still holding Ben's forearm. He was out in about a few seconds and Ben couldn't help when he himself fell asleep, securely holding Joe in his arms.

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