Prologue: Before Any Alternative Endings

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A/N: I had so many ideas of how to end my fanfiction, "Mulan - Shan Yu Returns", but I decided to choose the path that I published. This is the alternative universe where everyone was captured, even Jianshi, and they were sent back to their country.

After every hun was sent back by the Emperor's orders, Shan Yu bid his good-bye to Wang Wei. 

"I really hope I can see you again," Shan Yu said.

"Well, you know where I live now," Wang Wei said as he chuckled.

"I promise to visit sometimes," Shan Yu said with a smile. 

"I'll greet you then," Wang Wei said. Shan Yu and Wang Wei exchanged a quick embrace before they returned to their villages. 

"Shan Yu," Mulan called.

"Yes, Fa Mulan?" Shan Yu asked.

"Before you become shocked, your house is destroyed..." Mulan sheepishly announced.

"Wh-really?!" Shan Yu asked in shock. "Who would do that?!" 

"It's those three pain-in-the-necks," Shang said. "Zong, Yu Fan, and Chang."

"But... I thought we were becoming friends!" Shan Yu said in sadness.

"Please, they pushed you off the cliff!" Ling said.

"Why would they do that...?" Shan Yu asked. It was a rhetorical question rather than a question that needed the answer. "Why would they play that kind of trick on me...?"

"Shan Yu, you cannot forgive them anymore," Yao said.

"Yeah! Send them back to jail!" Ling encouraged.

"Oh... I'm not sure..." Shan Yu said sheepishly.

"Shan Yu, sometimes you have to look at things strictly," Ting-ting said.

"Those who deserve punishments must be punished," Su said.

"We'll help you," Chien-Po said. "Giving back what they deserve and rebuild your house."

"You'll win the trial, guaranteed," Mei said.

"I hope they did not destroy the bandage..." Shan Yu said.

"Even if they did, you can always go back to Wang Wei's house and get another one," Mulan reminded.

"Oh yes, I forgot about that," Shan Yu said.

"Feel free to stay at our places again if you need," Mulan offered.

"Really?" Shan Yu asked.

"We missed having you at our place," Shang said.

"You did?" Mulan asked Shang. Shang realized what came out of his mouth and switched his focus on the road. Mulan snickered. Shan Yu smiled with relief. 


"Wow... they made such great mess here," Shan Yu said as he examined the broken wood, bricks, and stones that once was part of the shape of the house. Everyone walked around in shock and disbelief. 

"Oh, they're gonna get it big time!" Yao said as he examined the broken stove and cracked his knuckles.

"They better have a good explanation," Ling said as he examined the damaged storage as he gritted his teeth and pulled up his sleeve.

"Heaven will definitely punish them for this," Chien Po said as he picked up the pieces of rice that were stored in the storage. 

Shan Yu gasped as he witnessed one of the most cherishable things has perished. "Oh no! The mudan sapling! They cut this down too! Shang gave it to me for a present!"

Mulan - Shan Yu Returns (Alternative Endings)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu