The beggining

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You wake up in an unfamiliar place the sky is red and their are buildings everywhere with bright neon lights you rub your eyes in disbelief until you are distracted by a voice from behind you

You turn to see a tall man (quite skinny you thought to yourself) he had big red eyes and a sinister smile 'the names alastor pleasure to meet you' you just stared in confusion and terror as be held his gloved hand out to you you hesitantly shook it I I'm (Y.N) you scolded yourself for stuttering do you know where I am? You asked me looked at you his smile grew wider ' Hell my dear' he suddenly grabbed you by the hand you gasped slightly in shock before he continued ' here let me show you around' you just followed not knowing what to say

' you must be hungry (Y.N)' his voice is very strange sounding you thought you gave him a weak smile and he suddenly took a turn and looked at you 'here we are' he sounded cheerful and you turned your head to see a large building it looked old it was made of bricks and had large tinted windows as alastor took you in you got a lot of strange looks everyone seemed to be some human animal breed you felt undressed as everyone looked rather fancy looking you felt your face heat up in embarrassment

Alastor sat you down and you looked at yourself your ripped jeans and (f/c) shoes
You looked back up at alastor only to see him looking at you with a smile you quickly looked back down as you felt your cheeks heat up (why was he looking at me like that?) suddenly you hear a women's voice asking what you'd like alastor then interrupted ' bacon and eggs with a glass of orange juice' you looked at him and leaned in across the table I don't have any money! You yelled in a whispery voice he just looked at you ' don't worry my dear I'm paying I don't expect you to have any money ' you leaned back into your seat alright then

lil time skip owo /hope you are enjoying this /

You finished your food and alastor held his arm out for you to take you walked out and he lead you to a hotel the sign said HAPPY HOTEL in big letters we can stay here for now
You weakly smiled (we? you thought)
You walked in you were greeted by a girl she had pale skin and rosy cheeks she wore a tuxedo with a red dress coat
' hello! ' she aggressively shook your hand ' oh! How rude I'm Charlie this is vaggie' she pointed at girl with gray skin and white long hair and a red x where one of her eyes should be she just glared at you

Alastor started talking with Charlie you assumed it was about getting a room suddenly the doors opened and two demons walked in one was a white spider demon with white fluffy hair and the other demon looked like a cat with wings he also seemed grumpy like vaggie

Suddenly alastor grabbed your hand this way my dear he led you up a large stair case and opened a door revealing your surprisingly beautiful room there was a large bed with (f/c) sheets and blankets there was a small bedside table with a few magazines and a (f/c) rose in a glass vase There was a door in the back that was opened you could see it was a bathroom with a large tub

Alastor cleared his throat and you looked at him he looked happy as always (Y.N) would you like me to stay with you or get my own room' his voice seemed to become more silent at the end of his sentence and he looked away from you,  you just said stay and he looked more relaxed

You looked back at the bathroom hey alastor I'm going to showers he just nodded you walked in and silently closed the door you began to undress and you saw your reflection and screamed you had big (f/a) ears and tail you had all white eyes with a black ring for a people you had long curly gray hair as well suddenly the door swung opened and alastor scared or worried you screamed again and he just yelled in response (Y.N) WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS?!?! Why are you staring? Alastor instantly swung his whole body around (Y.N) he said your name so calmly you worried me why did you scream? You just looked at him my face you said looking down. He turned but you didn't bother to look up at him so he put his hand under your chin and lift your head up there he was inches away from you he looked you dead in the eyes and he said ' you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen' you looked away feeling your face heat up you told him to get out and let you shower he chuckled and walked away

Time skip

You walked out the shower and saw clothes on the counter you took them it was a long white dress it was casual but still elegant there were also a clean pair of undergarments you looked at them and hesitantly put them on alastor was on the bed waiting for you he smiled when he saw you in the dress ' I knew you'd look good in white he said

He asked if you were hungry you replied with an always he took you down to the kitchen and in the distance you could see the cat demon from earlier chugging booze
You sat at the table and waited for alastor to bring you food but you got bored and went to the lobby

You attempted small talk with the cat demon you learned his name was husk but he didn't seem Interested in anything but his booze

Alastor called you from the kitchen food was finally done. You sat down and you were greeted by a plate of spaghetti and alastor did not eat just sipped wine

You finished eating and went upstairs and alastor stayed down in the lobby but told you he had put some Pj's on the bedside table for you

You plopped on the bed the covers were smooth and silky the pillows soft you stared at the ceiling until your eyes got heavier and heavier you finally drifted off to sleep

Alastor and sir pentious x reader Where stories live. Discover now