'I'm so glad you decided to come back." Cody said

"I didn't have much of a choice, did I?" I said moving my suitcase onto my bed.

"Not exactly." Zach said lightheartedly

"But I'm glad I am back, I've missed you guys." I said

"Awwee we missed you too." They both said hugging me really quick again

"We'll leave you to unpack." Zach said

"Okay, I'll see you guys later." I said

"Yeah, see ya." Zach said

"I'm really happy you're back." Cody said on his way out

"Me too." I said and then they were gone and went back to unpacking. I decided to decorate my room differently than last year.

I finally finished unpacking after a few hours and went out on the deck to find Bailey and them

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I finally finished unpacking after a few hours and went out on the deck to find Bailey and them. I went out to the main deck and for some reason they were all playing basketball ball with someone I didn't recognize. I decided not to bother then and walked over to the dance studio. I looked in and there was a few people in there. I am so excited to be able to dance in there. The last time I was in there it didn't go to well. A group of people walked and there was only one guy left in there. I decided to go in since the group left. The guy had headphones in and was dancing and I couldn't help but watch. I looked in the mirror trying not to be too obvious. From what I saw he was quite advanced and very smooth. After a while I realized I had been watching for while and her finally stopped and noticed me watching I immediately turned red and turned away from him.

"It's okay if you were watching." He said almost laughing

"You're really good and I'm going to go now..." I said turning back to face him and looked at the floor

"Really it's fine." He said trying to reassure me

"No, i-I'm going to go still-sorry..yeah.." I said turning to walk away and heading for the door

"Wait- Do you dance?" He asked

"Yeah, um, I love dancing. You?" I said turning back around a little less red in the face

"Yeah, I've been dancing since I was 2."

"I was 3, are you new this year?" I asked

"No, actually I transferred last semester, you?"

"Kind of, i was here then I had to leave, so I just missed you."

"Too bad, senior?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah. Oh, I'm Aiden by the way." He said smiling

"Juliet, nice to meet you." I said smiling back

"You too and that's a really beautiful name."

"Thank you, I'll leave you to dance. I know I hate being interrupted." I said

"Thanks, but may be we can dance together one of these days."

"Yeah, I would like that." I said smiling

"Bye, Juliet." He said

"Bye." I said waving goodbye and he waved back and I left the dance studio and went back out.

I left and went on the main deck to see Cody with his arm in a sling. I ran over to him rather worried

"Cody! What happened?!" I asked rather frantically

"It's nothing really." he said moving but winced in pain

"Cody, come on. Tell me the truth." I said sitting down

"Well, I may have started to get competitive with Bailey and wanted to beat her and when we were playing basket ball I was accidentally pushed and got hurt." he said embarrassed 

"I'm sorry, but if it makes you feel better I'm bad at most sports except for dance and even other types other than ballet I struggle at." I said trying to make him feel better

"Thanks Juliet, you always know what to say." Cody said smiling which I took as a good sign

"Anyway, how had your first day back been?" he asked 

"It pretty good. My room is all set up so if you want to come by and see you can and if you ever need a floor to sleep on my is open." I said jokingly 


"But for the most part nothing too exciting has happened. I visited the dance studio again."

"How did that go? I know last time wasn't the most pleasant experience." he said a little worried

"Relax, it went fine. Um, I met a student who transferred last year after I left. It's really cool that he's also a dancer and from what I saw he's really good in ballet." I said 

"What's his name?" Cody asked a bit tense 

"Aiden, I didn't get his last name." 

"Oh yeah, he's actually down the hall from me and Zack. He seems pretty nice." 

"Yeah, I don't really know since I talked to him for like 2 minutes." 


"Hey Cody." Bailey said coming over 

"hey." Cody said

"I'll leave you guys alone." I said getting up

"Thank you." Cody said

"Anytime, bye." I said smiling at the two and walking away and for some reason I couldn't help but be a little sad. 

I know I should be happy for Cody since he finally got the girl he's been chasing after and I am, but for some odd reason it feels like something is ending even though it's only the beginning to senior year. I can already tell this is going to be a mess of the year. 

**Author's Note**

Hello, again. I'm really happy I'm able to update within a month, which you must say  is a big improvement. I know this chapter wasn't super interesting, but I thought it was important to have you meet Aiden and have Juliet settle back into life on the ship before a crazy semester. The next chapter may go back to a previous episode that I skipped over. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll be able to update in the next month or so, but as you know updating is everywhere for me. If you are enjoying the book please vote and comment and if you like the book you may like one of my other books so if you have the time please check them out. Okay that's all for now, until next time:D

Also comment if I should make an instagram or something to interact with you guys more, okay bye :)

Juliet Noble // Cody MartinWhere stories live. Discover now