V. Losers' Clubhouse

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"We die." Fleur finishes. "Horribly." Eddie adds. "Yeah, I didn't need the 'horribly' part." Richie says, looking to Eddie. "I didn't say it, she said it, not me!" Eddie motions towards Beverly.

"Guys, look. Fleur and I have seen w-w- What he's talking about and I-I-it's a-a-ll true." Bill explains. "It's the only way. If we want this ritual to work.." Fleur says, but trails off.

"We have to remember." Mike cuts in. "Remember what?" Richie asks. "It's better if i show you. We don't have much time. This cycle will end soon. And once it does,.." Mike stops.
"We're fucked." Eddie says.


The losers all set out together to find their old clubhouse. After a while, they finally arrive. "The barrens." Beverly remembers. "That's where we came after the rock fight." Ben says, smiling. "The clubhouse." Richie says in excitement.

"I left during the rock fight.. because of Arthur." Fleur says, squinting her eyes as she examines the trees. "Oh, how is Arthur doing, b-by the way?" Bill asks, turning to her. "I don't know.. haven't spoken to him in a long while." Fleur sighs.

"You built that for us." Beverly chuckles, looking to Ben. "Yeah, the hatch has got to be somewhere around here." Richie adds. "I remember that!" Eddie smiles. As they all slowly walk, Beverly trips over a root, and is caught by Bill. "Woah!" He shouts.

"Y-y-you okay?" He asks. Beverly nods in response, then smiles. "W-w-What?" Bill asks in confusion. Fleur looks away from the two, watching as Ben looks towards them the same way he'd always look to them when they were younger. "Come on, Ben. We should go find the clubhouse." Fleur smiles at him, forcing him to turn away.

"You know what? I actually think the door was more like.. around-" Ben stops talking as he falls through the ground, startling the others. "Ben!" Fleur shouts, running over and looking down at him. "Found it!" He shouts.
"I'm okay! Come down!" He adds, waiting for the others to enter.

The losers (minus Fleur) entre the newly built clubhouse, looking to Ben. "What the dick is this? How'd you build it?" Richie asks. "When did you build it?" Bill adds, looking around in amazement.

"Here and there, I guess. It was already dug out so I just had to re-enforce the walls and get some wood for the roof door, and that's pretty much it." Ben smiles confidently. "Pretty good for my first time, huh?" He asks, leaning on a wood pillar beside him.

This action causes a part of the ceiling to fall down beside Beverly, causing the red head to jump. "Now that's a cool feature. What happens when you you put your hand on the other pillar, professor?" Richie jokes. "Okay, you see, this is exactly why there are safety codes!" Eddie begins, walking over to Ben.

"Why we have permits! This place is a death trap. Do you understand that?" Eddie asks. "Well, It's a work in progress. Okay, Eddie?" Ben says disappointedly. "Just so you know, if I get hurt you're reliable. Also, what is this? The switch from Iron Maiden?" Eddie asks, touching a metal flashlight hanging from the roof.

"That's a flashlight." Ben says calmly. "And What is that? A horse hitch? When do you have horses down- oh this is cool." Eddie says, getting distracted and picking up something else.

"That was like, three dollars. So be careful with that, please." Ben says, watching as Eddie bounces the paddle ball around. "I have one of these. Hey, Stan. Do you see this?" Eddie asks, paddling it in front of his face.

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