Strong and beautiful

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A/n: slightly dirty humour.

Hc:  L (who shamelessly has a thing for girls who can kick is ass) is infatuated with your fighting skills. And (shamelessly) would totally lose a fight against you, not only because there's no chance of him winning, but he'd secretly enjoy it.

As you were originally trained as a field officer for the police, you had to be in tip-top shape. Because of that previous position, you were kind of like L's mission agent. The one that would go out on the field and get really physically into the fight.

Nothing would stop you from being your best self. No criminals, no stress, no sexist society telling you you can't because you're a girl, no hardships, no battle would be too big for you. You could do this. Get through the case, no matter what crazy mission you had to go on. In the lower area of taskforce you stood, boxing gloves on, your trainer ready to fight. Even if you weren't working on the field as much for his case you still had to train.

Unbeknownst to you, someone was watching you win your fight against your trainer yet again from the doorframe. L had always been intrigued by you, you gave help, but rarely accepted it. You worked hard, you worked tirelessly. You were the embodiment of every female warrior movie character in one. Strong, creative, sporadic, kind. He watched as you looped your arm around the trainers shoulder and slammed him to the ground, winning the fight.

You could totally kick the ass of the worlds greatest detective, and he LOVED that. Something about you being so... strong in every way was so attractive to him.

"Damn, good job (y/n). Keeping your centre of gravity level and managing to get behind and throw is impressive" your trainer commented.

"Thanks. How does it feel to be beaten up by your client?" You joked.

"Good honestly, it means I've taught you well"

You picked up your water bottle and took a sip, catching your breath.

"You just gonna stand there ryuzaki?"

L was caught off guard by the sound of his alias. Now realising his viewing was obvious.

"Oh- I just... you're skill is impressive" he stammered.

"Thanks. Wanna fight?"


"You know capoeira, you beat up Light before. I bet I could kick your ass"

The mention of capoeira intrigued your trainer.

"Capoeira Huh? Haven't seen that in a long time. Come on, I'll ref the match. I've got about 5 minutes left of the session" he said.

L shrugged, he didn't have much better to do as the case was slow. He walked over, entering the circle marked out on the crash mats.

"I don't want to hurt you" he said, knowing full well he'd be the one losing.

Even if he was childish and hated losing, he would lose to you happily.

"Please, I can take it" you replied, getting into fighting stance.

L followed suit, your trainer standing off to the side and giving the signal.

"Ready? FIGHT!"

Immediately you both lunged at each other. You knew L has a really powerful kick, so you had to be weary of his leg movement. And you knew that he could really put up a fight since he hated losing so much, it would really be a good match. Attempting to try and get behind him, you swung at him but he managed to dodge. Watching his legs you saw him go up for a kick, one you ducked under and managed right avoid. Catching one of his punches by the wrist, you attempted a pin. But he was stronger than he looked and managed to force his way out, retaliating by trying to swing for your core. Blocking his hit, you turned to kick, but his speed made him dodge.

Your trainer was invested, he hadn't seen such a close fight in a long time. Both of you had flawless technique. That's when you got an idea. L likes to rely on kick, so stopping one and using that to pin him would be the best way to get him down. After a few more dodges and blocks, the inevitable happened and L went for the kick, you grabbed the ankle off the kicked leg in one hand, his shoulder in the other and kicked his remaining leg so he'd lose his balance and fall.

He fell back into the mat with a thud and you pinned him under one knee, holding his shoulders down.

"Impressive pin (y/n)!" Your trainer clapped.

You and L stayed in that silent position for a moment, catching your breath. Just starring into each other's eyes for a moment. L had conflicted emotions, disappointment he lost, but impressed by your pin. And oddly slightly aroused by the position you were currently in. After that moment, you got up, holding your hand out for L to grab. Taking it, you pulled him to his feet.

"Just as I thought, you beat me" he said.

"You put up a fight though. Not bad. But you can't rely on kick only or your attacker will figure out going for your legs is the best option" you replied.

"Impressive as always (y/n). I gotta head to the next client, I'll see you next week" your trainer said, starting to pack up his gear.

"Yeah I need a shower after all that. See you next week. See you in like 20 minutes Ryu"

Leaving with your water bottle in hand, L just watched you walk in awe. How were you so... strong? You just destroyed him.

"Careful when picking fights with her man, or you'll pitch a tent next time" the trainer joked.

L's cheeks went red, he could see the shameless crush he had on you?

"Is it that obvious?" L asked.

"Yeah. I could see it when she pinned you. You have a thing for girls who could beat you up huh?"


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