Subin, he said.

"Alright-" Subin only manages to say softly when Seungwoo has left.

Soon after, Subin gets called back on court again. And it is not until the practice has ended and Subin is in the shower room at the school gym that he recalls the short episode from before. The smile Seungwoo had on his face remains clear in Subin's mind. How can his smile be this beautiful? Subin describes Seungwoo's smile as beautiful is his head, but he does not realise he had never thought anyone has a beautiful smile, except for Naeun.

The tennis members gather again in the evening at Seungjun's bar. It is a non-working Friday evening for Subin. Most of Subin's friends are aware that he works part time at this place, and they like it especially because Seungjun is always generous in giving discounts or extra services to friends who visit. Subin joins the other members at the table after greeting his boss and co-workers, he slots himself in the last available seat, which is opposite Seungwoo.

"Hi sir."

"Hi Subin, as I said, you can address me casually."

"Opps- Sorry. Hyung?" Subin becomes a little awkward.

"It's alright, nothing to be sorry about. I'm not going to deduct your points from the class." Seungwoo chuckles.

"Better not, or that's really biased!"

"Well if anything if gonna be of biasness, it'll actually help you." If anything, I will have you pass as the top student.

"How's that supposed to work?"

"That shall remain for discussion at a later time." Seungwoo smiles, this time not the soft smile Subin remembers, but a cheeky and playful smile.

Seungjun serves the food to the table, he knows these tennis members too well that there is no need for anyone to order anymore. Of the different plates of chicken, Seungjun purposefully places the flavor that is Subin's favorite in front of him. Bias.

Together with some side dishes, beer and soju, the tennis club members enjoy the simple gathering with non-stop chatters. As it gets later into the night, Seungwoo and Subin bonds with each other through small talks amongst the few members at the same table.

That night, Subin finds himself staring at the ceiling in his dorm room alone, thinking back of the various conversations he had with Seungwoo during the dinner gathering. He now knows Seungwoo had completed his degree two years ago and had served his national service after that. He has now return to school to study and work under the professor, therefore becomes the teaching assistant in his class. He has older sisters back at home, in his hometown, Busan. He prefers beer to soju. Subin recalls on all the new information he gains of the man he has seen a few times before and drifts to his sleep unknowingly.

The same night, Seungwoo tosses in bed, finding it difficult to fall asleep. His mind keeps replaying short scenes from the dinner. He clearly remembers the way Subin smiles, his shy lips show off just enough of his straight white teeth biting together, and his eyes close into cute defined lines. He does not have curved eye smile, but they are still cute. Other times, Subin listens attentively, though his half closed eyes seem a little bored, but his nodding reactions says otherwise about the conversations he hears. The young man also behaves like he had received all the love in the universe, and seems to have been pampered a lot as he grew up. Makes me want to shower him more love. Seungwoo's mind speaks as he finally gives in the melatonin acting on his body.

Subin reports to his shift on the Saturday, repeating the routine he familiarized himself with the week before. However, this day, he does not see the young looking customer who came with Seungwoo the week before, neither does he see the partner. Subin quickly gets to work, preparing for their Saturday special menu. Seungjun arrives at the café shortly after opening. The café gets busy quickly as the crowd starts to come in for their after meal desserts. Subin feels that this particular Saturday seems to be much crowded than the previous one, even with two staff in the café. Subin also observes that a large percentage of customers seem to be female this time, and many steals stares at his flower boy looking boss behind the counter. Subin grins to himself at this sudden realization.

"You seem to be in a good mood today, Suub." Seungjun observes.

"Kinda. But hyung, do you realize, most of the girls seem to be here for you."

Seungjun laughs. How can he explain that it is the crucial survival point of his café, and the reason he dedicates much of his time to be around, even if he can just hire more part-timers? Plus, Seungjun also only hire male in his café, and he personally interviews applicants accordingly.

"Well, are you sure about that? Maybe they are here for you, Subin." Seungjun teases.

"Nah hyung, that can't be!" Subin waves his hand in front of his face.

The two quickly gets back to work, as they have no time to spare serving the crowded café. Time passes really fast for Subin and his shift quickly ends. He bids his goodbye to his co-workers before stepping out of the café. A familiar figure seems to be walking up to the door. That's Seungwoo. Subin can recognize right away, even if the street facing the café seems busy. Seungwoo is half a head taller than most people around, so he is not that difficult to spot. Seungwoo sees Subin too, and he smiles.

"Hey Subin, has your shift just ended?" Seungwoo greets the young man.

"Yup, just a couple of minutes ago."

"Anything up for you next? Wanna grab dinner with me?"

"Sure thing, what would you like to eat" Subin does not hesitate, even if he knows Seungsik probably will prepare dinner in the dorm.

"I think I'm feeling some hot soup today. There's a good restaurant just nearby." Seungwoo starts to lead the way.

Subin quickly texts to Seungsik behind Seungwoo's back, letting his dorm mom know he will be having dinner outside. His fingers move frantically on his phone screen, and the text sends just in a flash. He then quickly catches up with Seungwoo. The two makes some small talk along the way, asking each other about their days and they soon reach the said restaurant.

Seungwoo asks Subin's opinion on army stew before he proceeds to other for two servings, together with a potato pancake which he recommends Subin to try. When the food serves, Seungwoo takes the initiative to cut a piece of the potato pancake and places the slice on Subin's plate. He then waits for the reaction, and feels glad when Subin expresses a genuine thumbs up after a bite on the pancake.

"It tastes like food at home." Subin comments on the potato pancake.

"That's the same thought I had when I first came. Try the stew too." Seungwoo nods his head, as he mixes the ingredients in the pot, the soup has been bubbling for a while by now.

Subin takes a portion of the stew into his bowl. He then carefully blows the spoon of stew, making sure it has cooled by testing with the tip of his tongue, before he sips on the contents in his spoon.

Seungwoo observes the young man, finding all the small movements extremely adorable.

After taste testing, the two digs in. They chat during the meal. They find similarities in their families. Their older sisters used to always doll them up when they were young as they were the youngest boy at home. They both have travel a distance from their hometown to study where they are now. Subin finds out that Seungwoo has just broken off from a relationship lately. And he mentions that he too has not been seeing his (ex-)girlfriend for a while now, and that their relationship is taking a break. The more similarities they find out between them, the more the two feel the connection in between. They also talk a bit about school, their major, as well as the professors. Seungwoo also says in a stern manner that he will not be lenient on the young man though they are friends, which both burst out laughing too as soon as Seungwoo stops holding his stern look.

Seeing that they have finished their meal, Seungwoo initiates an invite to his rented studio nearby. However, Subin rejects politely, and makes a joke about not wanting to get caught for having a special relationship with his teaching assistant. They both head back in different directions, but similarly light-hearted.



At the tennis club dinner gathering, Seungwoo listens attentively while Subin bids his farewell to Seungjun, making a mental note to himself that Subin has a shift on Saturday, 12-6pm.

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